Aunt Petunia: Not now, Hopkins, not when the Masons arrive. 佩妮姨妈:不行,霍普金斯,曼森夫妇来的时候这样可不行。
While Uncle Vernon made furious telephone calls to the post office and the dairy trying to find someone to complain to, Aunt Petunia shredded the letters in her food processor. 在维能姨丈怒气冲冲地向邮局和牛奶场打电话找人投诉的时候,帕尤妮亚姨妈已经用她的食品搅拌器把信搅得粉碎了。
Aunt Petunia looked as though she'd just swallowed a lemon. 佩妮姨妈看起来像刚刚吞下了一只柠檬。
While he drove, Uncle Vernon complained to Aunt Petunia. 弗农姨父一边开车,一边对佩妮姨妈抱怨。
Aunt Petunia had decided it must have shrunk in the wash and, to his great relief, Harry wasn't punished. 佩妮姨妈断定是洗的时候缩水了,也就没有处罚哈利,使他大大松了一口气。
A tiny man in a violet top hat had bowed to him once while out shopping with Aunt Petunia and Dudley. 一次他跟佩妮姨妈和达力上街买东西,就有一个戴紫罗兰色大礼帽的小个子男人向他鞠躬行礼。
His Aunt Petunia was awake and it was her shrill voice that made the first noise of the day. 他的佩妮姨妈已经醒了,每天这里发出的第一声噪音就是她的尖叫声。
Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia kept looking at each other darkly. 佩妮姨妈和弗农姨父则面色阴沉地看着对方。
Culture of One Petunia hybrida Mutant Self-Line in vitro and Its Genetic Stability 矮牵牛突变自交系离体培养及变异植株稳定性观察
Interrelation of Cytological Development Period of Petunia hybrida Microspore and the Morphology of Flower Organ 矮牵牛小孢子发育时期与花器形态的相关性
I was wondering if you wouldn't mind milking Petunia for me. 我在想你是否介意帮我挤“矮牵牛花”的奶。
Aunt Petunia was horse-faced and bony; 佩妮姨妈骨瘦如柴,一张马脸;
Pb Tolerance and Accumulation of Petunia Transformed by Metallothionein Recombinant αα Gene 转金属硫蛋白αα突变体基因的矮牵牛对铅的抗性及积累的研究
China plunged into GM crops in the late1990s, when it allowed commercial planting of four transgenic species: cotton, petunia, tomato, and sweet pepper. 中国在世纪九十年代开始跳入转基因农作物潮流,当时允许商业种植的有四种植物:棉花、矮牵牛花、西红柿和柿子椒。
Analysis of the main characters of 40 foreign F_1 Petunia hybrida varieties 40个国外矮牵牛F1代主要性状分析
The Research on Growth Effects of Nitrogen Amount and CRF on Petunia, Pansy, Daisy and Anthurium 施氮量和控释肥对矮牵牛、三色堇、雏菊和安祖花生长的影响
Harry Potter Harry Potter is an orphan who has to live with his horrible aunt and uncle Petunia and Vernon Dursley since his parents were killed when he was barely one year old. 哈利·波特是个孤儿,无奈之下他一直和凶恶的姨妈佩妮·德思礼和姨父弗农·德思礼生活在一起,因为他的父母在他仅仅一岁大的时候便被杀害。
'Well, Petunia isn't speaking much to me now. 唉,佩妮都不怎么跟我讲话了。
Effects of Daminozide and Chlormequat on the Growth of Petunia Seedlings 比久和矮壮素对矮牵牛穴盘苗生长的控制作用
Lily had given up in the end and avoided speaking about magic at all, till Petunia finally relented, and started to speak to her again, telling her all about her new school and new school friends. 最后莉莉只好放弃,不再提魔法的事。佩妮的态度也终于有所缓和,又开始和她说话了,总是跟她唠叨她的新学校和她的新朋友们。
Although she was glad Petunia was talking to her again, she seemed only to be interested in what everyone was wearing, and what music her friends liked. 虽然莉莉很高兴和佩妮又和好了,可是佩妮似乎只对别人穿什么衣服和听什么音乐感兴趣。
I trust your petunia's are in full bloom by now. 我相信你的牵牛花现在正在盛开。
He had had it as long as he could remember, and the first question he could ever remember asking his Aunt Petunia was how he had gotten it. 这道疤痕从他记事起就有了,他记得他问佩妮姨妈的第一个问题就是这道伤疤是怎么落下的。
The Enzyme and Gene Transcription Regulation in the Biosynthesis Pathway of Anthocyanins in Petunia hybrida 矮牵牛花色素苷合成途径中的关键酶及其转录调控
Though Petunia evidently did not understand the word, she could hardly mistake the tone. 佩妮显然不明白这个词的意思,但她绝不会听不懂他的语气。
And my question is, in Half-Blood Prince, Aunt Petunia is said to be "oddly flushed" when Dumbledore announces that Harry will be returning only once more to Privet Drive. 我的问题是:在《哈利·波特与混血王子》中,邓不利多宣布哈利只须再回一次女贞路的家时,佩妮姨妈却奇怪地胀红了脸。
Study on Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration of Petunia hybrida 矮牵牛愈伤组织的诱导及植株再生研究
Petunia paused, hoping her words had made an impression, but Lily remained defiant. 佩妮停下,希望莉莉能听她的话,但莉莉很不屑。
Sibship Analysis of Several Species Based on the Petunia Hybrida Petals Isoenzyme Optimum System 矮牵牛花瓣等位酶体系建立及几个品种亲缘关系分析
Petunia Dersley: I want everything to be perfect for my Dudley's special day! 佩妮.德思礼:我希望今天一些都顺利,这可是我们达力的大日子!