PDI only supports PEX profile collections. PDI只支持PEX配置文件收集。
Performance Explorer ( PEX) is the performance data collector that is used when the most detailed performance data is required for problem determination purposes. PerformanceExplorer(PEX)性能数据收集器旨在在需要最详细的性能数据以进行问题诊断时使用。
PEX also has a mode, called profile, that allows for application performance analysis. PEX还有一种名为配置文件(profile)的模式,允许进行应用程序性能分析。
Technical specification for PEX pipeline engineering of building water supply 建筑给水交联聚乙烯管道工程技术规程
People who want to family purification ROS may become high cost due to high energy costs and water wasteful, and most families will need to use noncorrosive pipeline etc as PEX copper tube replaced. 人谁不想全家净化,ROS可能成为成本过高由于高能源成本和水的浪费,而且大多数家庭将需要使用非腐蚀性管道等作为PEX的铜管更换。
It is available in different options-chip antenna, IPEX antenna connection or customized antenna. 它有不同的选择-芯片天线,IPEX展会天线连接或自订的天线。
Previously, Pex would spend effort analyzing the Moq library code, trying to understand the internals of Moq framework. 更好的Pex集成:之前,Pex会设法分析Moq类库的代码,试图理解其内部实现。
Objective: To clone the sequence of cDNA of matrix metalloproteinase of mouse the sequence and construct its expression vector, provide a novel approach for the study of tumor growth inhibition. 目的:克隆小鼠基质金属蛋白酶-2(MMP-2)C端片断pex编码区的cDNA序列,并构建其真核表达载体,为进一步研究其抑制肿瘤作用奠定基础。
Study on Application of Macromolecule Heavy Metal Flocculant PEX in Electroplating Wastewater Treatment 高分子重金属絮凝剂PEX处理电镀废水研究
PEX Pipe: New Type of Green Water Supply Line 新型绿色给水管材&PEX管
Results: ET-M9-PEX was successfully constructed and the expression and secretion of PEX in ET-M9-PEX-infected cells were verified. 结果:ET-M9-PEX构建成功,感染细胞后有PEX的表达和分泌。
The existence of some EDTA or Ca2+ in wastewater not only had little influence on the removal of nickel ions with PEX, but also promoted the said process greatly. 废水中一定量的EDTA或Ca2+的存在,不仅不会影响PEX对镍离子的去除,而且会大大促进这一过程。
Research on Part Hydraulic Loss for PEX 、 PP-R and PAP Pipelines PEX、PP-R和PAP管局部水力损失的实验研究
Objective To study the effects of PEX gene on the biological characters of mouse melanoma cells ( B16F10) in vitro. 目的探讨PEX基因在体外对鼠黑色素瘤细胞B16F10生物学性状的影响。
Conclusion PEX gene transfection had no effect on the cells growth and proliferation of purely-cultured B16F10 in vitro. 结论PEX基因转染对体外单纯培养的B16F10细胞生长、增殖无影响;
Presents different PE-X pipes and their quality control in manufacturing process. Puts forward some noticeable issues in the application of PE-X pipes to floor panel heating systems. 介绍了不同交联类型的PEX管材及其生产过程质量控制问题,同时提出了PEX管材应用在地板辐射供暖工程中应注意的问题。
Brief introductions are made about the special joining ( technologies) for PEX pipe and reinforced PE pipe system. 简介了交联聚乙烯管道和增强聚乙烯管道的特殊连接技术。
High Level Expression and Biological Characterization of PEX, a C-Terminal Fragment of Human Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 人基质金属蛋白酶-2C端片段PEX的高效表达及活性研究
This paper introduces basic properties and production technology of seven kinds of plastic water supply pipes including PVC U pipe, PEX pipe, coextruded aluminum-plastic pipe, ABS pipe, PP pipe, PE-1 pipe and UHMW-PE pipe. 介绍了硬聚氯乙烯、交联聚乙烯、铝塑共挤复合、ABS、共聚聚丙烯、聚乙烯1、超高分子量聚乙烯(UHMWPE)等7种材质类型的塑料给水管的基本性能及生产技术概况。
The Characteristic and Application of Cross-linked Polyethylene Pipe 交联聚乙烯(PEX)管材的特性及应用
This paper discusses the performance and fea-ture of PEX pipe and the unique superiority of PEX pipe comparing other pipes, also emphatically discusses the use of PEX pipe on low temperature hot water floor radiation heating system. 本文论述了PEX管材的性能特点以及PEX管材与其它管材相比所独具的优势,并着重阐述了PEX管材在低温热水地板辐射采暖系统上的应用。
PE-X pipe is one of common materials used in low temperature hot water floor panel heating systems. 交联聚乙烯PEX管材是低温热水地板辐射供暖系统常用的管材之一。
The existence of Cl-or NO-3 ions in wastewater could promote the removal of Ni2+, but SO 2-4 ions would depress the removal of Ni2+. Cl-与NO3-的存在可促进PEX对Ni2+的去除,而SO42-的存在对Ni2+的去除有抑制作用,需增加投药量才能得到较好的去除;
Study on isoelectric point and flocculation performance of amphoteric Macromolecule Heavy Metal Flocculant PEX 两性高分子重金属絮凝剂PEX等电点与絮凝性能的研究
Cloning and Sequencing of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 C End Segment Pex and Construction of its Eucaryotic Expression Vector 基质金属蛋白酶-2C端片段pex的克隆、测序及真核表达载体的构建
The properties of both raw materials and pipes for peroxide crosslinked polyethylene ( PEX-A) were investigated, and compared with other kinds of pipes. PEX-A pipe is regarded as one of the best materials for hot water transmission in floor heating system. 研究了过氧化物交联聚乙烯(PEXA)专用料和管材的性能,并与其它类管材作了比较,认为PEXA管是地板采暖热水输送的最佳材料之一。
Comparison Of PERT, PEX, PP-R And PB Tube Applied In Floor Heating System PERT、PEX、PP-R和PB管在地板采暖系统中应用的比较
PEX gene can repress colony-forming ability in soft agarose and invasive ability in vitro of B16F10 cells. PEX基因可抑制B16F10细胞在软琼脂中形成集落的能力及体外侵袭能力。
PEX is a newly discovered fragment degradated from matrix metalloproteinase-2 ( MMP-2), which has a strong inhibitory effect on glioma proliferation, angiogenesis and invasiveness, and is able to interfere with malignant gliomas invasive behavior. PEX是新近发现的一种人基质金属蛋白酶-2(MMP-2)自身催化降解的片段,它对胶质瘤的增殖、血管形成以及侵袭性都有强大抑制作用,能够干预恶性胶质瘤的侵袭行为。
This paper studied on the quasi-dynamic expansion mechanism of PEX pipe. 本文研究了PEX管材的准动态连续扩张机理。