The Hokkaido Electric Power Company exploits the advantages by operating the first commercial PFBC combined-cycle plant in Japan. 北海道电力公司通过运行日本的第一座加压流化床电厂证实了其优点。
The Analysis of the Cyclone Performances under High Temperature for PFBC Unit PFBC高温燃气旋风分离器的性能分析
Experimental Study on the Mechanism of the Blade Erosion in Gas Turbine of PFBC/ CC PFBC/CC燃机叶片冲蚀机理的冷态实验研究
Sodium in coal is an important factor affecting PFBC ( pressurized fluidized bed combustion) and IGCC ( integrated gasification compined cycle) processes. 煤中钠是影响增压流化床(PFBC)和整体煤气化(IGCC)发展的一个重要因素。
Removal of Alkali Metal in PFBC Flue Gases PFBC烟气中碱金属的脱除
Off Design Performance Comparison for PFBC CC Constituted by Different Gas Turbines 不同燃气轮机组成的增压流化床燃烧联合循环(PFBC-CC)变工况性能比较
Steady and efficient feeding of fuel and lime stone is one of the basic prerequisites of normal operation of a PFBC combined circulation power plant. 向加压流化床(PFB)锅炉稳定、高效地供给燃料和石灰石是PFBC联合循环电站正常运行的基本保证。
On this basis the use of a step response identification method resulted in the obtaining of a transfer function matrix for the main channels of the PFBC system. 在此基础上,应用阶跃响应辨识法获得了PFBC-CC系统主要通道的传递函数矩阵。
Because of the foregoing the said system is expected to find application in an intermediate test plant to realize the continuous disposal and cooling of PFBC high-temperature boiler slag. 对大颗粒的适应性强.可望在中试装置上得到应用.以实现PFBC高温炉渣的连续排放和冷却。
All of the results obtained from the simulated combustor provide a database of configuration modification and systematical design for the pilot scale PFBC boiler and its operation. 在实验室规模装置上得到的较翔实和完整的结构设计参数和试验结果,已经成功地应用于中试装置的启动运行。
The PFBC ash obtained from Middle Part Electric Power Corporation of Japan is studied focusing on its characteristics. 对取自日本国中部电力会社所产PFBC灰进行了特性分析。
Pneumatic transport technology is a key technology in PFBC experimental power-station, which is related to whether the fuel can be sent into the pressured fluidized bed continuously and steadily, and ensures the fuel to combust normally and steadily in the pressured fluidized bed. 在增压流化床燃烧(PFBC)中试电站,气力输送技术是关键性技术,它关系到以燃料是否能连续稳定送入增压流化床内,保证增压流化床正常稳定燃烧。
This paper introduces the test and research situation of the key techniques for IGCC and the 2nd generation of PFBC combined cycle by Shanghai Power Equipment Research Institute. 介绍上海发电设备成套设计研究所在整体煤气化燃气-蒸汽联合循环(IGCC)和第二代增压流化床联合循环(PFBC)关键技术方面的研究概况。
The combination of hot gas ignition technique with the specially designed wind-box into the first PFBC-CC power plant in China makes start-up process of the boiler reliable and safe. 将热烟气床下点火技术和热烟气与主燃风的同风室结构应用于中国第一座PFBC-CC中试电站,取得了点火过程稳定可靠和安全的效果。
Development Tendency for High Efficiency and Clean Coal-fired Generating ── IGCC and PFBC-CC 高效、清洁燃煤发电的发展趋势&IGCC和PFBC联合循环
The specific feature of pressurized fluidized bed combustion ( PFBC) technology itself has led to the pneumatic transport technology becoming an effective means of continuous and stable feeding and discharge of solids for the above cited technology. 由于增压流化床燃烧(PFBC)技术的自身特点,使得气力输送技术成为增压流化床燃烧技术连续稳定供料和排料的有效手段。
LLB's PFBC and PCFB Technology 德国LLB公司的PFBC和PCFB技术
Heavy-duty gas turbine is the crucial equipment of clean coal fired generation technology& IGCC and PFBC-CC. 重型燃气轮机是洁净燃煤发电技术&整体煤气化联合循环(IGCC)和增压流化床联合循环(PFBCCC)的关键设备。
Initial Study on Corrosion/ Erosion of PFBC CC Gas Turbine Blades 'Specimens PFBC-CC燃机叶片试片腐蚀/磨蚀初步研究
The attemperator of the gas bypass of Jiawang PFBC-CC pilot plant was studied by simulating experiment and numerical calculation. 采用冷态模拟实验与数值计算相结合的方法对贾汪PFBCCC中试电站旁路烟道的减温器进行了专门研究设计。
Mechanism study on corrosion/ erosion of blades in pfbc/ cc gas turbines PFBC/CC燃机叶片的腐蚀/冲蚀机理研究
Dynamic Modeling for the Analysis of Excess pressure Differences in PFBC Boiler Waterwalls 动态模型用于PFBC锅炉水冷壁超压差的分析
The analysis and optimization of thermal parameters for coal fired pfbc/ ccte system PFBC/CCTE系统热力参数优化及其特性分析
A Study on Dynamic Characteristics of Gas Turbines of PFBC CC and System Control Versions PFBC-CC中燃气轮机的动态特性与系统控制方案研究
Coal Feeding and Ash Discharge Technology in a PFBC ( Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion) Pilot Power Plant PFBC中试电站煤添加和灰排放技术
Characteristics of PFBC Ash and Its Comprehensive Utilization PFBC灰的特征及其综合利用研究
A high efficient, reliable gas treatment system which works at high temperature or ambient condition, is needed in the new generation energy conversion system, such as IGCC and PFBC. IGCC、PFBC等新型、高效的能源清洁转换系统都需要一套运行可靠、高效、维护简单的高温或常温煤气净化装置。
Cold-state Experimental Study of a PFBC High-temperature Boiler Slag Continuous Disposal and Cooling System PFBC高温炉渣连续排放与冷却系统的冷态试验研究
Some of the best examples are cyclone separators employed in PFBC ( Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion), IGCC ( Integrated Gasification and Combined Cycle) and FCC ( Fluidized Catalytic Cracking) processes. 旋风分离器比较成功的应用是PFBC(增压流化床燃烧)、IGCC(整体气化联合循环)、CFBC(循环流化床燃烧)以及FCC(催化裂化)装置等。