The TP-RDO coder control al-gorithm is applied in mode decision of PFGS and three typical weighting, strategies are systematically discussed. 将两点率失真优化编码器控制算法应用到PFGS的模式选择中,提出了基于PFGS的两点率失真优化模式选择算法,并系统的讨论了算法中三种常用的权重策略。
And Progressive Fine Granularity Scalable video coding ( PFGS) improves the performance of FGS significantly. 而渐进精细可伸缩的视频编码(ProgressiveFineGranularityScalableVideoCoding,简称PFGS)在此基础上进一步提高了编码效率。
The experimental results show that the macroblock-based enhancement layer coding technique using the three INTER modes and the proposed decision-making mechanism can effectively reduce the drifting errors at low bit rates, while providing high coding efficiency at moderate or high bit rates. 实验结果表明,基于宏块的PFGS视频编码既能有效地消除低码率下的误差传递和累积,也能提高在其他码率下的编码效率。
Thirdly, we analyze and implement the progressive fine granularity scalability ( PFGS) and further discuss the macro-block based PFGS. 之后,本文跟踪分析并实现了渐进的精细可伸缩性编码算法,并进一步讨论了基于宏块的PFGS编码。
Research on the Wireless Channel Distortion Based on Progressive Fine Granularity Scalability Coding 基于PFGS的无线信道失真度的研究
Design of the Campus Network Teaching System Based on PFGS 基于PFGS技术的校园网视频教学系统设计
A new algorithm for progressive fine granularity scalable ( PFGS) video coding is proposed. 文中提出了一种新的渐进精细可分级编码算法。
As an example, the EOD model for PFGS ( Progressive FGS) is derived, and the two-point rate-distortion optimized ( TP-RDO) coder control algorithm is constructed based on this model. 作为一个实例,导出了PFGS中的EOD函数模型,并在此基础上得到了面向PFGS的两点率失真优化编码器控制算法。
Secondly, a two-point rate-distortion optimized joint base layer and enhancement layer mode decision algorithm is proposed for PFGS. 其次,提出了基于PFGS的两点率失真优化的联合基本层和增强层模式选择算法。
However, it is still worse than non-scalable video coding. 但是在编码效率上,PFGS仍然与现今高效的非可伸缩的视频编码存在一定的差距。
Double buffer framework, which increases one buffer in FGS video coding, reduces computational complexity of PFGS video coding. 利用比FGS编码方法只增加一个缓冲区的双缓冲区结构弥补了PFGS编码方法计算复杂的不足;
Currently, the extent and width of researches on PFGs have far exceeded the PFGs concept itself. 现在对植物功能群研究的广度和宽度已经远远超过了这个概念本身。
Plant functional groups ( PFGs) link plant functional traits and environmental variations with great clarity. 植物功能群(PlantFunctionalGroups,PFGs)把植物的功能特性与环境变化明晰地联系在一起。
At last, the dissertation points out that scalable stereo video coding will become an active research topic in the future after studying existent scalable video coding algorithm, such as FGS and PFGS. 论文在讨论了针对网络环境使用的可伸缩性视频编码方法之后,战略性地指出立体视频的可伸缩性编码必然是今后研究的一个重点。
Grazing-induced retrogression led community and energy PFGs C/ N ratio to decrease. 放牧退化导致群落、各能值功能群C/N减小。