A method was developed for the determination of perfluorooctanoic acid ( PFOA) and its salts in the coating layer of nonstick pan by gas chromatography. 采用气相色谱建立了不粘锅涂层中全氟辛酸及其盐(PFOA)残留量的测定方法。
I would like to commend them for their leadership in moving to voluntarily reduce their emissions and uses of PFOA and I am hopeful that others will follow. 我对杜邦公司在PFOA主动减排和使用上所发挥的领先和表率作用表示赞赏,并且希望其它企业能够跟上。
PFOA and other related long-chain fluorochemicals stick to blood proteins and masquerade as digestive acids. PFOA和其他相关的长链含氟化合物会附著在血液里的蛋白质,假装成消化酸分子。
Study on the Content Analysis of PFOA and PFOS Residues in Fluorine Polymer 氟聚合物中残留PFOA和PFOS含量分析方法研究
Method Research of Testing PFOS and PFOA in the Textile and Leather 纺织品和皮革中PFOS、PFOA检测方法研究
What's more, Mabury said, the intermediate steps in that breakdown process produce molecules that have been shown in experiments to be10,000 times more toxic than PFOA itself. 更重要的是,马伯里说,在这一分解过程产生的中间步骤,已在实验中证明是10000倍本身PFOA的毒性分子。
The aerospace, transportation and electronics industries rely on products manufactured using PFOA for purity, reliability and durability of many of their key systems. 航空航天、运输和电子工业更为依赖采用PFOA生产的产品,以确保其关键系统的纯度、可靠性和耐用性。
In animal experiments, PFOA and PFOS have been linked to cancer, developmental problems and other issues. 在动物实验中,PFOA和PFOS都与癌症有关,发展问题和其他问题。
The paper reviewed the ways of reducing PFOA from fluorinated polymers. 综述了高性能氟聚合物制备中PFOA乳化剂的消除处理及替代方法。
The EPA has also been encouraging companies to reduce emissions and find alternatives for PFOA and many of its precursor molecules as they further investigate the chemical. 环保局还鼓励企业减少排放,找到PFOA的替代品及其前体分子,因为他们的许多化学品需要进一步调查。
The fluorinated emulsifier perfluorooctanoic acid ( PFOA) is a necessary assistant in the processing of fluorinated polymer. 全氟辛酸(铵)(PFOA)是制造高性能氟聚合物过程中必要的加工助剂。
As a kind of emerging persistent organic pollutant ( POPs), perfluorooctanoic acid ( PFOA) and its salts have caused global ecosystem pollution, and become a new research topic of POPs. 作为一种新型的持久性有机环境污染物,全氟辛酸(PFOA)及其盐类所造成的全球性生态系统污染已成事实,并成为持久性有机污染物研究的又一个新热点。
Children and teens in the study had more PFOA in their bodies than the national average, and a PFOS concentration about the same as the national average. 发现这些儿童和青少年体内的PFOA含量高于全家平均值,而PFOS的浓度与全国平均值相当。
The purpose was to evaluate the effects of perfluorooctanoic acid ( PFOA) on intracellular free calcium concentration ( [ Ca2+] I) in neurocyte in hippocampus of rats, with the methods of consecutive gavage. 采用连续灌胃染毒的方法,探讨了全氟辛酸(PerfluorooctanoicAcid,PFOA)经口急性染毒对大鼠海马细胞内钙离子浓度的影响。
Conclusion This finding suggests that there are predominant regional differences and distributing character for both PFOS and PFOA concentrations in Shenyang and Chongqing areas, and the concentrations of PFOS and PFOA in serum were correlated with age and sex. 结论沈阳和重庆两地人群血清中PFOS和PFOA污染水平具有显著的地区性差异和分布特征,血清中PFOS和PFOA水平与年龄存在相关性。
Effects of peroxisome proliferators PFOA on immune system of mice 过氧化物酶体增殖剂PFOA对小鼠免疫系统的影响
Progress of toxicological study on PFOS and PFOA 全氟辛烷磺酸和全氟辛酸毒理学研究进展
The results indicated that PFOA could increase not only the concentration of PFOA in serum and brain, but also the [ Ca2+] iin neurocyte in hippocampus of rats. 研究结果显示,PFOA暴露可使血清和脑组织中PFOA浓度增加,引起大鼠海马神经元细胞[Ca2+]i升高。
An investigation of the PFOS and PFOA pollution in Three Gorges Reservoir areas of the Yangtze River and surface water of Wuhan areas 长江三峡库区江水和武汉地区地面水中PFOS和PFOA污染现状调查
Methods Sera samples of non-occupational human from Shenyang and Chongqing areas were collected, and the concentration of PFOS and PFOA in serum were measured by High Performance Liquid Chromatography/ Mass Selective Detector ( HPLC/ MS-MIS). 方法采集沈阳和重庆地区无职业性PFOS和PFOA暴露人群血清,采用高压液相色谱-质谱仪联机系统测定血清中PFOS和PFOA含量。
The complexes of perfluorooctanoic acid ( PFOA) and polystyrene-b-poly-( 4-vinylpyridine) ( PS-b-P4VP) can induce micellization of the block copolymer in their common solvent chloroform. 全氟辛酸(PFOA)与聚苯乙烯-b-聚-4-乙烯吡啶(PS-b-P4VP)的配合能诱导嵌段共聚物在其共同溶剂氯仿中胶束化。
In conclusion, two established methods of detecting PFOA have stable retention time, high sensitivity, good reproducibility and accuracy, are suitable for trace analysis of PFOA in textiles. 建立的两种检测PFOA的方法均具有保留时间稳定、灵敏度高,重现性和准确度好的特点,适于纺织品中PFOA的测试分析。
After exposed to PFOA, the body weight of the mice in RD exposure groups were also significantly decreased, the immune organs showed a serious atrophy, and the number of lymphocytes in the blood had a significant reduction. 另外,PFOA暴露同样可造成RD组小鼠体重显著下降,脾脏和胸腺严重萎缩,血液中淋巴细胞数量减少。
In the HFD exposure group, these phenomena still existed, but the damage reduced slightly, and the gene expression did not change significantly. 在HFD组,PFOA造成的毒性效应仍然存在,但损伤程度略有减小,相关基因表达水平和RD暴露组相比,也无显著差异。
The potential toxic effects of PFOS have attracted wide attention. Perfluorooctanoic acid ( PFOA) as potential carcinogens has also aroused extensive attention. 全氟辛酸(PerfluorooctanoicAcid,PFOA)作为潜在致癌物之一也已经引起社会的广泛关注。
Comparing with the various results of PFOS and PFOA, it was speculated that the different toxic mechanisms of the two might existed. However, further studies should be carried out to confirm those conclusions. 比较PFOS和PFOA的不同结果,推测二者在致毒机制上仍有所区别,但这些结论还需进一步研究证实。
The PFCs removal efficiency in BAF process was better than A/ O process. A/ O process and the BAF process on the removal rate for PFOA were 29.4% and 33.7%, respectively, and both 11.8% for PFOS. A/O工艺和BAF工艺对PFOA的去除率分别为是29.4%和33.7%,对PFOS的去除效率均为11.8%。
The adsorption capacities of PFOA and PFOS were also affected by solution pH and electrolyte concentration. 溶液pH值和电解质浓度对PFOA和PFOS的吸附容量有一定的影响。
Thus, detection of PFOS and PFOA are very important in environmental monitoring. 因此对环境水样中PFOS和PFOA的分析检测具有十分重要的意义。