While traditional sperm-screening techniques have a success rate of 60 to 70 percent, only PGD offers virtually 100 percent accuracy. 传统的精子筛检技术成功率为60%到70%,但只有PGD能提供近乎100%的高准确度成功率。
A welcome message on his website says: If you want to be certain your next child will be the gender you are hoping for, no other method comes close to the reliability of PGD. 他网站上的欢迎辞写道:如果你想确保你的下一个孩子是你期盼的性别,再没有比PGD更可靠的方法了。
Dr Steinberg offers a technique called pre-implantation genetic diagnosis ( PGD). 斯泰伯格医生提供一种名叫胚胎植入前遗传学诊断(PGD)的技术。
With PGD, the embryos are tested for genetic disorders and only those that are free of disease are transferred to the mother's uterus. 用PGD方法检测胚胎是否患有遗传病,且只有无病的胚胎才被转移到妈妈的子宫里。
Objective: To establish the method of preimplantation genetic diagnosis ( PGD) by use of first polar bodies. 目的:建立采用第一极体植入前染色体非整倍体诊断的方法。
While it's technologically possible, whether any deaf or dwarf babies have been born as a result of PGD is uncertain. 即使技术允许,任何经基因筛检出的聋或矮宝宝是否能出生也是不确定的。
PGD is good for screening for specific genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis and Tay-Sachs disease, and also can be used to select gender. PGD适用于特殊遗传病的筛查,如囊性纤维化和神经节苷脂病,而且PGD也可以用于性别选择。
But it tests fewer than half of the chromosomes in an embryo, so it's not a perfect indicator of overall embryo health and it hasn't been all that useful for most women. 但是它只能检测胚胎内不到一半的染色体,因此PGD对预测整个胚胎的健康情况并不理想,而且它对于大多数女性而言并不实用。
A technique already in use is called preimplantation genetic diagnosis ( PGD). 目前已经应用的一项技术叫做植入前基因诊断(PGD)。
Objective To explore the feasibility of using single cell fluorescent polymerase chain reaction ( PCR) in the preimplantation genetic diagnosis ( PGD). 目的建立单细胞水平的荧光PCR技术,探讨该技术对临床开展着床前遗传学诊断的可行性。
Designing a baby means that through selecting a proper embryo by PGD ( pre-implantation genetic diagnosis) technology, and implanting it into a women's womb, a baby is born at last. “设计婴儿”是指通过植入前基因诊断技术对胚胎进行筛选,挑选出合适的胚胎植入母体孕育出生的婴儿。
Conclusion Single cell fluorescent PCR is a stable and reliable approach for the PGD. 结论利用单细胞荧光PCR技术进行着床前遗传学诊断是可行的。
PGD allows the laboratory to determine prior to implantation which embryos are likely to be affected or unaffected by a particular genetic condition. 实验室通过运用PGD技术可在胚胎移植前确定胚胎是否受到遗传影响。
It provide an evidence of using this technique for the PGD for ADPKD. 该方法为常染色体显性多囊肾疾病行胚胎植入前遗传学诊断提供了依据。
Each entry will be a pointer to a lower table of a smaller-sized directory, so the PGD is a directory of page tables. 每项都指向一个更小目录的低级表,因此pgd就是一个页表目录。
Human embryo preimplantation genetic diagnosis ( PGD) for sure can solve some problems who have genetic disorder or disease. 人类胚胎着床前遗传学诊断(PGD)能解决诸多有关遗传学异常或疾病的问题。
In PGD, before implantation, a cell from a days-old embryo is removed to allow doctors to examine it for genetic defects. 在预移植基因诊断PGD过程中,在胚胎移植前,要从一个数天大小的胚胎上取下一个细胞以让医生检查是否有基因缺陷。
Currently, we are able to perform PGD for many genetic conditions including single gene disorders and chromosome abnormalities. 目前,使用PGD技术,可以测试出许多种不同的疾病,包括非整倍体,单基因病和染色体易位等。
Through PGD, we are able to test for many different genetic diseases. 通过胚胎移植前遗传学诊断,我们可以测试各种不同的遗传疾病。
In PGD, doctors examine embryo DNA for specific genetic signatures, usually in cases in which one or both parents have a genetic disorder or are known carriers. 在PGD中,医生要检查胚胎DNA中特异的遗传学标记,以防父母双方或一方有遗传性缺陷或者是不适于生育的疾病携带者。
Participating clinics were promised anonymity, and seven major PGD programs contacted by The Associated Press all said they had never been asked to use the procedure for that purpose. 参与调查的医疗机构被联合新闻承诺匿名后,有7家主要的PGD项目声称没有人向他们提出过这样的要求,以利用PGD程序实现选择有缺陷宝宝。
PGD 2 induces sleep, allergic responses, inhibition of platelet aggregation and relaxation of smooth muscle. PGD2可以促进睡眠、诱导过敏反应、抑制血小板凝集及松弛平滑肌等,并且在生殖系统中起重要作用。
The probability of exclusion of 6 PGD and GPI were, 0.100% and 0.0912 respectively. 亲子关系排除概率在6PGD和GPI座位点分别为0.1009和0.0912。
A nonsmooth PGD algorithm dealing with block structure constraints is presented and its convergence is established. 给出了具有块状结构约束的非光滑PGD算法及其收敛性。
Conclusion IL-2 cDNA can enhance both the humoral and cellular immune responses, and thus increase the vaccine potency. 结论IL-2cDNA的协同免疫可以显著提高pgD核酸疫苗诱导的体液免疫和细胞免疫应答水平,增加核酸疫苗的免疫保护效果。
The paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of synchronous and asynchronous operations in parallel optimization algorithm, and presents the complete asynchronous PGD algorithm and under a certain condition, the proof of its global convergence is given. 分析了并行优化算法中同步运算与异步运算的优缺点,提出完全异步的PGD算法,并且在一定的条件下,给出了算法的收敛性证明。
Therefore, it can be said that the phenotypes of Phi, PO 2 and Pgd can be used as biochemical genetic mark of porcine stress susceptibility. 因此,Phi、PO2、Pgd表型可以作为猪应激敏感性的生化遗传标记。
Objective To perform preimplantation genetic diagnosis ( PGD) of chromosome abnormality using fluorescence in-situ hybridization ( FISH). 目的初步探讨应用荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术进行植入前胚胎染色体诊断的价值。
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis ( PGD) is a new genetic diagnosis technology, developing with assisted reproductive technology. 植入前遗传学诊断(Preimplantationgeneticdiagnosis,PGD)是与辅助生殖技术相结合进行的一种遗传学诊断技术。