In the potential range between 0.18 and 0.46V, the oxidation current density is obviously higher in the NGPS than in the PGPS. The above phenomenon suggests that there is self-poisoning in primary alcohol electro-oxidation. 在0.18~0.48V电位区间内,负向电位扫描中伯醇的氧化电流明显比正向电位扫描的大,说明这些伯醇的电氧化中都存在自毒化现象。
WFQ and WF2Q are the most excellent PGPS algorithms and WFQ is specified as reference queueing algorithm with service guarantee by IETF. WFQ和WF2Q是目前性能最优越的PGPS算法,其中WFQ被IETF指定为有保证业务的参考排队算法。
With regard to scheduling algorithms in packet network environment, current all kinds of PGPS algorithms usually start with the simulation of GPS service variety curve and obtain QoS guarantees close to GPS. 在分组网络环境中的调度算法中,现有的各种PGPS算法多从模拟GPS算法的服务量变化入手,获得了与GPS类似的QoS性能保证。
Is WFQ an Algorithm Different from PGPS?& Comments onA Packet Fair Scheduler Based on GPS WFQ不是PGPS吗?&对一种新的基于GPS的分组公平调度器一文的评注