Prostaglandin Transporter, Rat, Control Peptide ( PGT) 前列腺素转运体,大鼠,对照肽(PGT)
Pgt; peace and justice for the Palestinian people-an imperative for the1990s; 为巴勒斯坦人民争取和平与正义-1990年代的紧急任务;
The fact that results in the variation of M Φ morphology can produce the change of its cell function shows that M Φ has effects on multifunctional affector cell and information in Pgt immunoreaction. 作者根据巨噬细胞形态学的改变,必然引起细胞功能的改变这一事实,阐明了巨噬细胞在牙周炎龈组织的免疫反应中具有多功能效应细胞及信息细胞的作用。
Experimental results showed that it is not only suitable for the use of Totally Pyrolytic Graphite Tube ( TPGT), but also the other types of graphite tubes, such as Graphite Tubes ( GT) and Pyrolytic Graphite Coated Tubes ( PGT). 这种平台不仅对全热解石墨管(TPGT)完全适用,同时也适用于其它类型的石墨管(如普通石墨管(GT)、镀层管(PGT)等)。
Moreover, a modified transverse-torsional model of spur PGT is established in the rotating Cartesian coordinates and compared with the transverse-torsional model. 在系杆随动坐标系下建立了直齿行星传动的修正平移-扭转耦合模型,并通过仿真算例对两种模型进行了比较。
To highlight the importance of ring gear flexibility to dynamic performance of the system, a novel elastodynamic model of spur PGT is presented in this thesis. 本文将以NGW型直齿行星传动为例,创建计入内齿圈弹性的直齿行星传动的精细化模型,以揭示内齿圈的弹性变形对系统动力学性能的重要影响。
Clusion: A fusional expression plashed pGT-MCP-1 was successful constructed. This lays the basis of further study on efficient expression of MCP-1. 结论:获得融合表达质粒pGTMCP1,为进一步研究MCP1的高效表达奠定了基础。
A simplified purely torsional concentrated parameter model of a single stage 2K-H spur planetary gear transmission ( PGT) is developed. 建立了单级2K-H直齿行星传动的纯扭转集中参数动力学模型。
Methods: Program Guidance Tool ( PGT) is a tool helping to determine the leading intervention scheme for RTIs. 方法:PGT(ProgramGuidanceTool)是一个帮助确定生殖道感染综合干预首选方案的工具。
The transverse-torsional model of spur PGT is checked carefully and the expression of planet gear acceleration and those of relative displacements between the members are corrected. 对直齿行星传动的平移-扭转耦合模型进行了深入分析,修正了行星轮加速度与构件相对位移的表达式。
Methods Wistar rats inflicted with TBSA 30% ⅲ degree scald were employed as the model. The PGE 2 and PGI 2 and TXA 2 contents in the intestinal mucosa were measured by radioimmunoassay, and the expression of PGT mRNA was detected by in situ hybridization. 方法以30%TBSAⅢ度烫伤大鼠为模型,以放射免疫法测定肠粘膜中PGE2、PGI2、TXA2的含量,用原位杂交检测PGTmRNA表达。
Traditional transfection methods were characteristed by lower efficiency, Greater cytotoxicity. Photochemical gene transfection ( PGT) was a new way for transfection in vitro and in vivo. 传统的转染方法转染效率较低,细胞毒性较大,光化学基因转染(PGT)是一种新的体外和体内转染的方法。
A 3D model for NGW/ NW type of spur PGT is designed in Unigraphics ( UG) to carry out the kinetic simulation. 利用UG设计了NGW型及NW型直齿行星传动的实体模型,并进行了运动学仿真研究。
The theory of planet phasing ( TPP) of the PGT is investigated. 研究了行星传动的相位调谐理论。
PGT was a new tool for gene transfection, which was able to be induced by light and gene transfection into a fixed target area, leading to increase the level of transfection. 光化学基因转染是一种新的基因转染工具,它被光诱导而能够把基因转染到固定的靶区域,从而提高转染水平。