Expanding the education about cataract is an important means to prevent blindness caused by phacolytic glaucoma. a hard brittle blue-white multivalent metallic element; resistant to corrosion and tarnishing. 开展白内障防盲教育是预防本病的重要手段。一种多价金属元素,坚硬、易碎、蓝白色,防腐防锈。
AIM: To evaluate the clinical effect of ECCE and IOL implantation combined with anterior-chamber cleaning for phacolytic glaucoma. 目的:观察前房冲吸、白内障囊外摘除及人工晶状体植入术应用于晶状体溶解性青光眼的临床效果。
Results Anti glaucoma drugs were not effective to phacolytic glaucoma. Extraction of the lens made intraocular pressure drop to normal. 结果抗青光眼药物不能控制晶体溶解性青光眼,摘除晶体可自然缓解,术后视力获得满意效果。
Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Phacolytic Glaucoma 晶状体溶解性青光眼的诊治与预防
Conclusion: Phacolytic glaucoma is one type of acute angle open glaucoma with characteristic clinical appearance. 结论:该病为一临床上独立存在的继发性、急性开角型青光眼。
Conclusions: Phacolytic glaucoma can be identified according to the typical clinical features. 结论:根据主要临床特征可诊断晶状体溶解性青光眼。
12 cases of Phacolytic glaucoma are presented. All cases were in overmature state of senile cataract. 报告12例晶体溶解性青光眼,均为老年性白内障过熟期(就诊困难和拒绝手术及白内障过熟的易患因素)。