Laminarin The chief carbohydrate food reserve of the Phaeophyta ( brown algae). 海带多糖:褐藻类植物中储藏糖类物质的主要形式。
Species of benthic seaweeds are reported in Zhejiang Province, including 11 species of Cyanophyta, 34 species of Chlorophyta, 38 species of Phaeophyta and 128 species of Rhodophyta. 报道浙江潮间带底栖海藻211种,其中蓝藻门11种、绿藻门34种、褐藻门38种、红藻门128种。
Tissue culture for seed stock of marine macroalgae was studies on seaweeds materials collected from coastal areas of Qingdao. Explants of 3 species of Chlorophyta, 10 species of Rhodophyta and 2 species of Phaeophyta were induced to develop calluses and filaments. 以青岛沿岸采集的经济海藻为材料,对3种绿藻、10种红藻和2种褐藻进行了组织培养研究。
By comparison with different seaweeds, Phaeophyta is much higher in total amount of fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids than Rhodophyta and Chlorophyta. 按分类比较,褐藻门海藻的脂肪酸总量及不饱和脂肪酸的含量都较高,而红藻门、绿藻门海藻的脂肪酸含量较低。
Optimization of random amplified reaction conditions for Laminaria japonica ( Phaeophyta) sporophyte DNA 海带孢子体DNA随机扩增反应条件优化
Among them, there are 34 species wild economic algae, including 1 species of Cyanophyta, 8 species of Chlorophyta, 17 species of Rhodophyta and 8 species of Phaeophyta. 其中野生经济底栖海藻34种(蓝藻门1种,绿藻门8种,红藻门17种,褐藻门8种)。