His final show was not at all like the Pharaonic and mushy last bow Johnny Carson took when he left The Tonight Show in 1992. 他在最后的节目里一点也不像约翰尼·卡森(JohnnyCarson)1992年最后一次主持《今夜秀》时那样以法老自居、且多愁善感。
It is also becoming harder for Beijing to uproot hundreds of thousands to make way for such Pharaonic gestures. 对于北京方面而言,为了给一些宏大的面子工程让路而让数十万人搬迁,如今也变得更加困难。
Called the New Egyptian Museum, it will eventually house the largest collection of pharaonic monuments, including the solid gold death mask of Tutankhamun. 它号称新埃及博物馆,最终将成为最大的法老的纪念碑的汇集,包括图坦卡门的没有中空部分的死亡黄金面具。
The best tools of our age finally defeated this enemy which has been with us from pharaonic times. “我们时代的最佳工具终于击败了从法老时代起就与我们纠缠不休的这个敌人”。
A humbled nation long ago abandoned such Pharaonic gestures. 一个受挫的国家如今已经告别了那种王者姿态。
On the General and Individual Characters of Bel Canto and National Way of Singing; Radio 4 had a lot of decent actors breathing excitedly and chanting Pharaonic hymns at very opportunity and to little purpose. 浅论美声唱法与民族唱法之共性与个性无线电四台有许多像样的演员利用一切机会兴奋地低吟和歌唱法老赞歌,但效果不大。
The ancient Egyptian archival documents were complete, and the escpecial storehouses were established to keep archives, they were fully made use of by the Pharaonic government, and had played an important role in the developments of ancient Egyptian culture, science and technology. 古代埃及档案文献的种类齐全,内容丰富,并设有专门的档案保管库,充分为埃及法老政府所利用,促进了古代埃及的文化、艺术和科学技术的发展。
The ancient and now extinct language of Pharaonic Egypt; written records date back to 3000 BC. 古代埃及法老的现在绝迹的语言;书面记录要追溯到公元前3000年。
The Evolution of Egyptian Kingship in Pharaonic Period 法老时代埃及王权的演进
In the evening of the Pharaonic Egypt, Egypt began to decline and suffered foreign invasions incessantly. After the conquest of Alexander in the year of BC. 332, Egypt was under the dominion of Greece-Macedon. 到法老时代的后期,埃及开始衰落,不断遭到外族入侵,公元前332年亚历山大征服埃及,此后,埃及处于希腊-马其顿人的统治之下。