This paper reviewed the distribution, botany studies, pharmacognostic studies, pharmacological effect, clinical applications and preparation processes of Trollius on the basis of related references. 通过查阅国内相关资料,对金莲花属植物的分布、植物学研究、生药学研究、药理作用、临床应用和制剂工艺等方面进行综述性介绍。
Exploratory Development of a New Pharmacognostic Experimental Teaching System 生药学实验教学新体系的探索与建立
Objective: To provide a method for the pharmacognostic identification of Baibiandou. 前言:目的:为白扁豆药材鉴别提供方法。
The paper reports pharmacognostic features of erect hypecoum. 报道了角茴香的生药学特征。
Pharmacognostic Identification and Experimental Study on Anti-Myocardial Ischemia Effects in Mice of Potentilla Fruticosa 金露梅生药鉴定及抗小鼠心肌缺血作用的实验研究
Oil drop in the cell was the pharmacognostic property of the seed. 细胞内含有油滴为其种子的生药学特性。
Methods GC-MS techniques were used to detect the chemical components of SAHT extract by CO 2 supercritical extraction, and TLC was used to identify the pharmacognostic characteristics of SAHT. 方法采用气相色谱-质谱联用(GCMS)测定超临界CO2萃取物化学成分;药材鉴定采用薄层色谱(TLC)法。
Objective To study pharmacognostic properties of fructus forsythiae to provide scientific basis for the identification of its quality. 目的:探讨连翘的生药学特性,为鉴定其质量提供科学依据。
Pharmacognostic studies on transforming wild asarum ( asarum maximum) into cultivated variety 野生转家种大叶马蹄香的生药学研究
Objective The pharmacognostic character of Folium Canarii was studied systematically. 目的对青果叶FoliumCanarii进行生药学研究。
Method: Pharmacognostic studies were made through field collection, market investigation, document utilization, comparative morphology and histology. 方法:野外采集,市场调查,结合文献查阅,形态和组织学比较研究。
This study presents a scientific evaluation on the pharmacognostic quality of 9 species and 1 variety of the Cinnamomum plant Guipi commonly used in Chinese traditional medicine. 对国产9种1变种桂皮类药材进行了质量研究,其结果为评价桂皮类药材质量的优劣提供了科学依据。
Pharmacognostic study on Ethnic Drug Xing Bu Gang 民族药心不甘的生药学研究
Pharmacognostic Indentification on Ethnic Drug Yang Mei Gen 民族药杨梅根的生药鉴定
Pharmacognostic Studies on the Root of Pubescent Holly 毛冬青根的形态组织鉴别
Studies on Pharmacognostic Identification and Quality Control of Herb Rubi Parvifolii 中药茅莓形态组织学与质量控制研究
Furthermore, reported for the first time are the pharmacognostic characteristics tissue disintegration and powder of the drug. 本文首次提供了毛冬青的组织解离和粉末显微特征,有可能为鉴别毛冬青提供新的鉴别方法和指标。
Erect Hypecoum: Its Pharmacognostic Studies 角茴香的生药学研究论勃起功能障碍辨治思路
Pharmacognostic studies on the shape, morphology, microscopic structure and physicochemical properties of Illicium lanceolatum ── an adulterant of Lindera aggregata were carried out and compared with that of Lindera aggregata, to provide a basis for their identification. 对乌药的混淆品红茴香根Illiciumlanceolatum进行了生药性状、显微和理化鉴定研究,并与乌药做比较,为鉴别两者提供依据。
This paper reported pharmacognostic study of Fructus Canarium album including the macroscopic, microscopic characters and ultra-violet absorption spectra. 从药材性状、显微特征、紫外吸收光谱等,对青果进行了生药学研究,并附显微特征图、紫外吸收光谱图。
Conclusion Pharmacognostic properties of fructus forsythiae may provide scientific basis for the identification, development and application of fructus forsythiae. 结论:连翘的生药学特性可为连翘的鉴定、开发和利用提供科学依据。
Quality Evaluation of Pharmacognostic Characteristic Features of Chinese Crude Drugs 中药材性状特征的质量评价
Pharmacognostic studies on aconites in South-Western China 中国西南地区乌头类中草药的生药学研究
Pharmacognostic Studies on Shuang Gou Zuan ( Uncaria rhynchophylla) of Yao medicine 瑶药双钩钻(钩藤根、茎)的生药学研究
Correlation between pharmacognostic characteristics and intrinsic chemical composition; 性状特征与内在化学成分的相关性;
Pharmacognostic study on Fangchi crude drugs 防己类药材的生药学比较研究
Objective: To establish the identification of protein compositions in Rhizoma Arisaematis through researches of its taxonomy, pharmacognostic anatomy and chemical compositions. 目的:通过对天南星进行了原植物分类学、生药解剖学及化学成分的研究,建立鉴别天南星中的蛋白类成分的方法。
Pharmacognostic Study of Horn of David's Deer 麋鹿角的生药学研究
And correlation between pharmacognostic characteristics and therapeutic effect. 性状特征与疗效的相关性。
Afterwards, a pharmacognostic study of Dryopteris fragrans is made to reveal its morphological and microscopic characteristics, which is regarded as the necessary work for Dryopteris fragrans to be collected by any pharmacopoeia. 其次又进行了生药学研究,揭示了药材其形态学和显微特征,为该药材收入药典做了必要的工作。