The research for the function of palatopharyngeal closure with sonagraph after pharyngoplasty 应用语图仪评估缩咽术腭咽闭合功能的研究
The study on articulation characteristics of the patients after pharyngoplasty 腭裂咽成形术后患者异常语音的发音特点研究
An evaluation of the speech therapy methods for patients after pharyngoplasty 腭裂咽成形术后患者语音治疗疗效评价
Methods: 30 cases of velopharyngeal insufficiency were treated with a modified pharyngoplasty followed by speech training. 方法:对30例行改良咽成形术者术前、术后的吹气试验,汉语语音清晰度以及过度度鼻音进行了定量分析。
Effect of secondary pharyngoplasty in consonant articulation of cleft palate patients 二次咽成形术对腭裂患者辅音清晰度的影响
The modified pharyngoplasty and its clinic application 改良咽成形术及其临床应用
Methods: Apply the modified pharyngoplasty to treat the postoperative cleft palate with VPI. 方法:应用改良咽成形术对49例腭裂术后腭咽闭合不全的患者进行治疗。
CONCLUSIONS: The compensatory articulation resulting from velopharyngeal incompetence after pharyngoplasty mainly occurred in attenuation and disappearance of consonant. 结论:咽成形术后仍以腭咽闭合不全型为特点的代偿性语音为主,主要表现为辅音的脱落与弱化。
METHOD: 6 patients with failed operation ( posterior pharyngeal flap or sphincter pharyngoplasty), underwent secondary posterior pharyngeal flap operation. They began blowing training and accepted speech therapy 4 weeks after operation. 方法:对6例一期咽成形术后失败患者,再次实施咽后壁组织瓣转移术,术后进行详细观察和随访,并在术后4周开始吹气训练、行为疗法、语音治疗;
Objective: To study the influence of tongue position before and after pharyngoplasty on growth of the face. 目的:通过对咽后壁瓣治疗前后舌位置变化的研究,了解咽后壁瓣对颌面生长发育的影响。