The Structure of Human Nature in the View of Technological Phenomenology information about natural phenomena and farming techniques. 技术现象学视野中的人性结构&斯蒂格勒技术哲学思想述评自然现象和农业技术。
Intuitionistic Restoration of Essence of Phenomenology and German Literature Ideology 现象学的本质直观还原与德国文学思想
Dialogues between analytic philosophy and phenomenology are significant both theoretically and historically in western philosophy in the20th century. 分析哲学与现象学的对话,不仅具有理论上的重要性,而且是发生在20世纪西方哲学中的历史现实。
From the perspective of phenomenology, Husserl classifies thinking and intuition into intentional experience. 站在现象学立场上,胡塞尔把思维和直观都归属于意向经验。
Phenomenology of super plastic forming shell is studied and the changes of structure parameters are also considered. 研究了超塑性变形薄壳件的现象学方面,并考虑到结构参数的变化。
Phenomenology philosophy studies architectural aesthetics based on ontology. 现象学哲学从存在论范畴研究建筑美学。
Then, the relationship of the fracture velocity in rapid crack with the rock crack mode and energy consumption is analyzed by the phenomenology method. 利用现象学方法分析了高速断裂中裂纹速度效应与岩石断裂模式和断裂耗能的关系。
Socity for Phenomenology and existential philosophy. 现象学和存在主义哲学学会。
It is the dimension contained in the concept of existence that shows the fundamental element in Heidegger's Phenomenology. 正是生存概念所包含的那一个维度表明了海德格尔现象学中最为根本的东西。
On the theme of embodiment Michael Polanyi's theory of tacit knowing and Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology of perception converge. 在身体性这个维度上,波兰尼的默会认识论和梅洛一庞蒂的知觉现象学之间存在着某种思想的会聚。
In Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's Phenomenology of Mind, Hegel discusses three distinct types of mind: the subjective mind, the mind of an individual; 在黑格尔(GeorgWilhelmFriedrichHegel)的《精神现象学》中,黑格尔讨论了三种不同的心灵类型:主体性的心灵,一个个体的心灵;
Then, we analyze an anti-rational tendency through hegel's discussion of physiognomy and phrenology in phenomenology of spirit. 接着,我们通过黑格尔《精神现象学》中对面相学和头盖骨相学的论述,分析了一种反理性的倾向。
Existence and survival, is the existential phenomenology of a commonly used concept is different from other schools of philosophy: this concept is so bizarre to the description of our life itself. 存在与生存,是存在主义现象学的一对常用的概念,不同于其他哲学流派的是:这对概念是如此异乎寻常地对我们生活本身的描述。
The self-awareness theory is not simply a but rather the fundamental problem of phenomenology. “自身觉察”理论不单单是现象学的一个问题域,它其实就是现象学的基本问题。
Morrison, of course, develops this argument beautifully, and she quite clearly takes it from the fourth chapter of Hegel's Phenomenology of Mind as a way of understanding the master-slave dialectic. 莫里森把这一点论述得极其漂亮,她显然借鉴了黑格尔《精神现象学》,的第四章中,对主人和奴隶之间辩证关系的理解。
As all else phenomenologist, the evidence principle is the most ultimate credendum of Heidegger phenomenology. 正像其他所有现象学家们一样,现象学的明见性原则是海德格尔现象学的最根本的信条。
Reflecting Phenomenology's Significance for Aesthetic from the Concept of Intentionality& Taking the Husserl's Phenomenology as Example 从意向性概念反思现象学对美学的意义&以胡塞尔现象学为例
This paper makes an analysis of the poem from the perspectives of intentionality and internal time-consciousness of phenomenology. 论文从现象学的意向性与内在时间意识角度对诗歌进行了阐释。
In order to clarify the concept of epoche in Husserl's phenomenology, the method of phenomenology and text analysis were applied to distinguishing two forms of natural attitude. 为了对胡塞尔现象学中的悬搁概念进行澄清,运用现象学方法和文本分析的方法,对两种不同形式的自然态度进行了区分。
There are sequels to Treasure Island, Kim, and even Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. 《金银岛》《吉姆》,甚至是黑格尔的《精神现象学》都被续写了。
The relationship between phenomenological psychology and transcendental phenomenology is regarded by Husserl as parallel and overlapping. 摘要现象学心理学与超越现象学的关系被胡塞尔看成既平行又重叠的。
Phenomenology initiates the modern turnaround of western philosophy. 现象学开启了西方哲学的现代转向。
That's the traditional view, not very regulationary, but it goes against ordinary language, and fancifies the phenomenology and the whole structure of what we mean when we talk about love. 这是传统的看法,不是规定的,但它和普通的语言相悖,并且空想了现象学和整个,我们讨论的爱的框架结构。
On Heidegger's Phenomenology Thoughts of Death 经验死亡&论海德格尔的死亡现象学思想
In the emotional phenomenology, love is an spirit intended action. 第二章梳理了情感现象学中爱的本质和内涵。
Phenomenology in Relation with Anthropology and Psychology Concerning Methodology 现象学的方法特征&关于现象学与人类学、心理学之间关系的思考
Neurophenomenology is a frontier interdiscipline which combines neuroscience and phenomenology to investigate of the consciousness experience of human being. 神经现象学是一门联合了神经科学和现象学,以探索人类意识经验为目的的前沿交叉学科。
Marx realized philosophical revolutionary reform based on critically drawing on Hegel's phenomenology method of spirit, then to construct phenomenology of human theory. 马克思正是在批判地吸取了黑格尔精神现象学方法的基础上,才实现了哲学的革命变革,从而建构起人学现象学理论。
How Technology Be Possible& An Answer to the Ontological Standpoint of Heidegger's Phenomenology 技术如何可能海德格尔现象学存在论立场的一种回答
Guangxi Meteorological Popular Science Status and Development Strategies This discovery made him abolish the idea of phenomenology eventually. 广西气象科普工作的现状及发展对策这一发现最终导致了维氏对于现象学的放弃。
a philosophical doctrine proposed by Edmund Husserl based on the study of human experience in which considerations of objective reality are not taken into account