Identification of New Phenotypes and Preliminary Molecular Genetic Analysis of Two Novel Tmm Allelic Mutants in Arabidopsis Thaliana 拟南芥中两个tmm等位基因突变体的筛选、新表型鉴定及分子遗传学初步分析
We compared the presence of autoantibodies to basophil degranulation phenotypes and to disease status. 我们对嗜碱性粒细胞脱颗粒表型以及疾病不同状态时疾病的自身抗体进行比较。
Clinical heterogeneity& The term describing the occurrence of clinically different phenotypes from mutations in the same gene. 同一基因突变的临床表型差异现象。
Method MTT method was used to test the proliferation of cancer cells and the phenotypes of malignant cells were measured by Flowcytomytry ( FCM). 方法应用MTT法测定细胞的增殖能力及药物的影响;流式细胞仪FCM测定恶性细胞表型的变化;
Detection of two virulence determinants and Phenotypes of Swine-derived Enterococci 猪源肠球菌两种致病基因和表型的检测
Objective To explore the relationship between obesity phenotypes and adipocytokines in children. 目的探讨肥胖类型与儿童脂肪细胞因子水平的关系。
Genetic factor is major in menses irregularity and the environment factor is more important in other phenotypes. 遗传因素对月经稀发起主导作用,环境因素在其他表型中的作用更为重要。
The protein was found to be important in cell elongation and division, based on the observed cell phenotypes. 根据细胞表型的观察结果发现该蛋白对细胞伸长和分裂很重要。
These phenotypes of the transgenic fly might be used as a preliminary drug screen model for AD therapy. 该果蝇有可能作为初步筛选AD治疗药物的动物模型,为AD治疗新药的发现提供工具。
Making full use of mutant mice as research models requires correct characterization of the phenotypes that result from induced or spontaneous genetic mutations. 要充分利用突变小鼠作为研究模式,则需要诱发突变或自发基因突变之正确基因表现型特徵。
Effect of cells culture supernatant of human gastric cancer on DCs phenotypes 人胃癌细胞培养上清液对树突状细胞表型的影响
Background: Lamin A/ C ( LMNA) gene mutations cause a variety of phenotypes. 背景:核纤层蛋白A/C(LMNA)基因突变导致一系列表型。
Note: Data listed within bracket were the number of gene phenotypes. 注:括号里的数据表示该基因型的个体数目。
Analysis on Blast Resistance Phenotypes and Resistance Gene Analog Polymorphism of Rice Varieties 水稻品种稻瘟病抗性和抗病基因同源序列多态性分析
Detection of partial virulence determinants and phenotypes in Enterococci 肠球菌部分致病基因和表型的检测
MSC from human bone marrow and adipose tissue represent very similar cell populations with comparable phenotypes. 来自人脂肪组织的间充质干细胞与骨髓间充质干细胞是一类具有非常相似表型的细胞群。
Overexpression of MAGL in nonaggressive cancer cells recapitulates this fatty acid network and increases their pathogenicity phenotypes that are reversed by an MAGL inhibitor. 在非侵袭性癌细胞中过表达MAGL重现这一脂肪酸网络,并增加其被MAGL抑制剂逆转的致病性。
Locus heterogeneity& The production of identical phenotypes by mutations at two or more different loci. 基因座异质性:不同基因座的突变导致了相同或相似表型的效应。
Conclusions: Fibrin clot phenotypes are indicators of both severity of disease and long term post-stroke mortality. 结论:纤维蛋白血凝块表型是疾病严重程度及卒中后长期死亡率的预测因素。
Effect of Macrophages with Different Activated Phenotypes on the Proliferation, Migration and Tube-like Structure Formation of Lymphatic Endothelial Cells 不同活化表型的巨噬细胞对淋巴管内皮细胞增殖、迁移和管样结构形成的影响
ZFIN manually curates comprehensive data for zebrafish genes, phenotypes, genotypes, gene expression, antibodies, anatomical structures and publications. ZFIN人工精选斑马鱼基因、表型、基因型、基因表达、抗体、解剖结构和出版物的广泛数据。
Conclusions PAX9 and MSX1 gene mutation can cause different phenotypes of tooth agenesis. 结论PAX9或MSX1基因突变导致的先天性缺牙表型有明显差异。
International diabetes: Would you share your opinion about the phenotypes of diabetes among Asians as compared to others? 《国际糖尿病》:可不可以介绍一下亚洲人糖尿病的表型与其他的区别?
Owing to the influence of various complex factors, it is possible for the heterozygote of autosomal dominant inheritance to appear in different phenotypes. 由于各种复杂因素的影响,常染色体显性遗传的杂合子有可能出现不同的表现型,本文阐述了常染色体显性遗传的几种类型。
Zymogram Phenotypes of Isozymes of New Alfalfa Strain Dy-2006 and Its Differences from Other Cultivars 新品系Dy-2006苜蓿同工酶酶谱表征及与其它苜蓿品种的差异
Although identical twins have the same genotype, or DNA, they have different phenotypes, meaning that the same DNA is expressed in different ways. 尽管同卵双胞胎有同样的基因型,即DNA,但他们的显形是不同的,也就是说,同样的DNA表现方式不同。
Objective To investigate the relationship between familial aggregation of atopy and asthma phenotypes in children. 目的研究家族特应性聚集与儿童哮喘表型的关系。
These appearances are called phenotypes. 这些外表被称为表型。