In this respect, our research relates to the so-called Pollution Haven Hypothesis ( PHH). 就此而言,我们的研究主要和污染避难所假说有关。
The Pollution Haven Hypothesis ( PHH) states that as a result of increased regulation, multinationals shift their dirty production to countries with poor environmental standards. 污染避难所假说指出,由于各项法规的逐日增加,跨国企业将其污染型生产工厂转移到环境规制薄弱的国家。
Some studies present evidence in favor of the PHH. 一些研究所提供的证据支持赞同环境避难所假说。
The empirical evidence for the PHH is at best mixed. 环境避难所假说的实证充其量就是个混合体。