I once had the privilege of meeting the late philosopher CLR James. 我曾经有幸和已故的哲学家C.L.R.詹姆士会面。
A philosopher once said, 'Be careful what you wish for; you might get it.' 一位哲学家曾说过:“别轻易许愿——你可能会如愿以偿。”
He was also an economist and political philosopher. 他还是一位经济学者和政治哲学家。
You will become a philosopher. 如果你的妻子很糟糕,那么你将成为一个哲人。
On this point, the priest and the philosopher agree. 在这一点上,神甫和哲学家的见解是一致的。
A Hollywood actress once met the British philosopher, Bertrand Russell. 一位好莱坞女明星遇见了英国哲学家伯特兰罗素。
Confucius was a Chinese thinker and social philosopher of the Spring and Autumn Period. 孔子是我国春秋时期的思想家、社会哲学家。
The Greek philosopher Xeno liked the challenge and came up with this paradox. 古希腊哲学家芝诺提出了这个悖论。
Almost every great occident philosopher discussed this problem after Descartes. 笛卡尔以后,几乎所有伟大的西方哲学家都对主体问题进行了深刻的探讨。
The philosopher enunciated a new theory. 这位哲学家发表了一个新的理论。
Haldane was a Scottish lawyer, philosopher and politician. 霍尔丹是一位苏格兰律师、哲学家和政治家。
Ancient Athenian philosopher ( 470-399 BC); teacher of Plato and Xenophon. 古雅典的哲学家(公元前470-399年);柏拉图和色诺芬的老师。
Thomas jefferson, one of the great eighteenth-century polymaths, was a politician architect, philosopher and inventor. 托马斯杰斐逊是18世纪伟大的博学者之一,是政治家、建筑师、哲学家和发明家。
Professor Fung is an analytic philosopher with special interest in Chinese philosophy and comparative philosophy. 冯教授是一位对中国哲学和东西方比较哲学有着特殊兴趣并善于分析的哲学家。
She is a distinguished novelist and philosopher. 她是一个杰出的小说家和哲学家。
By contrast with Goodman, Scruton is one philosopher more happy with this kind of construal. 和古德曼不同,Scruton这位哲学家更喜欢这一解释。
Ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius has been the most influential educator in the history of China. 中国古代哲学家孔子是中国历史上最有影响的教育家。
A philosopher who specializes in morals and moral problems. 专门研究道德和道德问题的哲学家。
Perhaps statesman and philosopher Sir Francis Bacon or the earl of Southampton, Shakespeare's patron. 此人或许是政治家和哲学家弗兰西斯?培根爵士,或是莎翁的庇护人南安普敦伯爵。
Yeah? No? If you do you're a good philosopher. 有?,没有?,如果你思考了,你就是个好哲学家。
He must be mathematician, historian, statesman, philosopher& in some degree. 在某种程度上他应该是数学家、历史学家、政治家和哲学家。
This is called vulgar relativism by chapel Bernard Williams, famous philosopher. 这也被称作粗俗的相对论,是由伯纳德,威廉姆斯这个著名的哲学家提出的。
He is not the first philosopher to work with children. 他并不是第一个和孩子一起进行哲学思考的哲学教授。
Adam Smith was a famous moral philosopher and a founder of Western classical economics. 摘要亚当?斯密是18世纪的著名道德哲学家和西方古典经济学的奠基人。
The French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau perceived the common issue three centuries ago. 法国哲学家让-雅克卢梭(Jean-JacquesRousseau)三个世纪前就观察到了这个带有普遍性的问题。
You are really a philosopher. 你真是一个哲学家。
First of all, sirs, I am not a philosopher, I am not a student of philosophy. 首先,先生们,我不是个哲学家,我不是个哲学研究者。