Can't possess and do the central condition with taking the place of the philtrum unless gaining this kind of "genuinely convinced". 只有赢得这种“心服”,才具备了在同代人中做核心的条件。
The point is in the philtrum which lacks like a water groove. 穴在人中沟中;人中沟形似水沟。
Methods ten cases of complicated saddle nose with a short nasal columella were repaired by the combined procedures of reshaping alar cartilage, advancement of skin flap in philtrum to elongate nasal columella, silicone implantation to correct saddle deformity, and deepening alar sulcus with buried suture. 方法采用鼻翼软骨重塑改善鼻端形态、人中推进皮瓣加长鼻小柱、硅胶假体充填隆鼻,以及鼻翼沟埋线缝合塑形加强鼻端部轮廓等综合技术,对10例复杂性鞍鼻进行整复。
The influence of acupuncture philtrum areas on blood pressure and heart rates in rabbits 针刺家兔人中区对血压和心率的影响
The effects of electrical stimulation to philtrum area on the activities of genioglossal muscle 电刺激兔人中穴区对颏舌肌功能的影响
In the case of bilateral cleft lip, the prolabium must be resected entirely and a wide lip flap should be transplanted first, and then the flap can be trimmed to the size of the philtrum secondarily. 如遇双侧唇裂,必须全部切除红唇,充分展平移植唇办,然后才能二次修剪瓣的人中范围。
The effects of electrical stimulation to the philtrum area on the activities of genioglossal muscle were studied on thirty adult rabbits. 观察了电刺激30只健康家兔人中穴区对颏舌肌功能的影响。
The measurement of philtrum in the youth of Han Nationality 汉族青年人中形态的测量及其意义
Fundamentals of the procedure are as follows: 1.The transplanted lip flap must be placed in the center of the upper lip regardless the method to be used, and its shape and size must be suitable to the philtrum. 无论应用何种方法,都必须把移植的唇瓣放置在上唇的中间,而且其形状和范围必须与人中相符。
Results Postoperative follow-up of 6~ 12 months revealed the good results with invisible scar, good preservation of philtrum dimple and column, full vermilion and lengthened columella, good alar cartilage reposition. 结果经6个月~1年的随访,解剖复位效果满意,瘢痕隐蔽,人中完整,唇红丰满,鼻翼软骨复位良好,鼻小柱得以延长。
Reconstructive technique of the philtrum in secondary cleft lip deformities 用于唇、口盖裂二次修复术的翻转唇瓣的适应证
The anti-shock effect of philtrum needling and its hemodynamic character 针刺人中的抗休克作用及其血流动力学特点