Serum D-xylose was determined by phloroglucinol color-developing method. 采用间苯三酚显色法测定血清D-木糖的含量。
Efficacy of Sublingually-Administered Phloroglucinol on Acute Spastic Abdominal Pain from Stomach and Intestines 间苯三酚舌下含服治疗急性胃肠痉挛性腹痛疗效分析
Clinical observation of phloroglucinol injection in treatment of spastic abdominal pain 间苯三酚注射液治疗痉挛性腹痛的临床观察
Determination of Trace Cu by Spectrophotometry with Microemulsion/ 4-( 6-Methoxyl-8-Quinolineazo)-Phloroglucinol 微乳液介质-4-(6-甲氧基-8-喹啉偶氮)-间苯三酚分光光度法测定微量铜
Objective To observe the effects of intravenous injection with phloroglucinol plus artificial rupture of fetal membranes on stages of labor. 目的观察活跃期人工破膜加静推间苯三酚对产程进展的影响。
Objective To research and develop phloroglucinol and sodium chloride injection in order to meet the clinical request, and to build up the methods of the quality control. 目的根据临床需要,研究开发间苯三酚氯化钠注射液,并建立其质量控制方法。
The procedure involves measurement of a red color that is believed to result from reaction with phloroglucinol ( Kreis reagent). 这个过程包括对红色的测量,这种红色来源于与间苯三酚(kreis试剂)的反应。
Study on the methods for determining trace formaldehyde by phloroglucinol 间苯三酚比色法测定微量甲醛研究
Study on phloroglucinol wastewater treatment 间苯三酚生产废水处理的试验研究
The result shows the free gossypol by phloroglucinol colorimetry is in accord with HPLC and this method is very sensitive and convenient. 测得值结果表明:棉籽蛋白总棉酚测定准确简便,间苯三酚比色法可灵敏准确定量FGP,并与HPLC法结果一致。
A new phloroglucinol method is proposed to determine free gossypol in cotton seed. 本文对间苯三酚法测定游离棉酚进行了深入研究。
This new method has changed the extracting agent of original phloroglucinol method, developing agent preparation is also improved. 改变了原方法中的溶剂抽提系统,显色剂的配方作了改进。
Phloroglucinol for Injection: Preparation, Quality Control and Stability Study 注射用间苯三酚的制备、质量控制及稳定性考察
The result of water soluble pentosans determined by this method was similar to that by phloroglucinol method, but slightly lower content of total pentosans was determined by the latter. 对地衣酚-盐酸法和间苯三酚法进行了比较,二者所得可溶性戊聚糖含量相似,但后种方法测得总戊聚糖含量略低。
Content of free gossypol in cottonseed cake from some counties and farms were determinated by using the method of phloroglucinol, which provided 3 scientific basis for the feeders to use cottonseed cake as feed. 本试验采用间苯三酚法测定了南疆地区部分县(市)、团场的棉籽饼粕游离棉酚的含量,为畜禽饲养者提供了一个饲喂棉籽饼的科学依据。
The method has been used to determine the content of phloroglucinol in natural waters. 该法成功地用于环境水体中的间苯三酚的测定。
Simultaneous Determination of Phenol, Resorcinol and Phloroglucinol by Multiwavelength Linear Regression Fluorimetry 多波长线性回归荧光法同时测定苯酚、间苯二酚和间苯三酚
METHODS: The type and dosage of the adjuvant in the formula were optimized and the phloroglucinol for injection was prepared, with its content determined by HPLC. 方法:对处方中填充剂的种类、用量进行选择,并制备注射用间苯三酚;
Improved method of measurement of d-ribose concentration. In this system the phloroglucinol was used in stead of orcinol. 改进的D-核糖测定方法应用间苯三酚替代苔黑酚作为助色剂,建立了改进的分光光度法测定微生物发酵液中D-核糖浓度测定的方法。
Objective: To explore the clinic value of phloroglucinol injection in ureteroscope examination. 目的:探讨输尿管镜检查中使用间苯三酚注射液的临床价值。
Formula and Technology Screening and Quality Control of Phloroglucinol and Sodium Chloride Injection 间苯三酚氯化钠注射液处方工艺优化及质量控制
OBJECTIVE: To prepare phloroglucinol for injection, establish its quality control and determine its stability. 目的:制备注射用间苯三酚,建立其质量控制方法并考察其稳定性。
The other two new compounds were phloroglucinol derivative and dihydrophenanthrene derivative, respectively. 另两个新化合物为间苯三酚类衍生物和二氢菲类衍生物。
Six flavone compounds ( 2a-f) were prepared from phloroglucinol according to the conventional methods; 以间三酚为原料,按常规方法合成了6个黄酮类化合物(2a~f);
Phloroglucinol method used to measure D-xylose urinary excretion rate; use of iodine content of Determination of urinary amylase; rats were sacrificed after the application of physical methods, calculated to promote the spleen index and rate of rat small intestine. 利用间苯三酚法,测定尿D-木糖排泄率;利用碘比色法测定尿淀粉酶含量;处死大鼠后,应用物理方法,公式计算脾脏指数及大鼠小肠推进率。
A preliminary study to determine the stereochemistry of the CD spectra of phloroglucinol components was proposed. 运用CD光谱对间苯三酚类化合物的立体构型进行了初步探讨和确定。
The results of this work found a base for industries in Xinjiang region to produce phloroglucinol in a large scale with advanced technology. 本课题的研究结果为我国特别是新疆地区企业采用先进工艺较大规模生产间苯三酚奠定了基础。