We provided an efficient phonocardiogram ( PCG) envelope extraction scheme, by utilizing the complexity of dynamical system. 我们应用动力学复杂性,给出一种有效的心音包络提取方法及仿真结果。
It consists of a phonocardiogram sensor, a heart sound collecting and processing circuit, and a computer. 该系统由心音传感器、心音信号采集处理电路及计算机组成。
Design of Pure Capacitance Phonocardiogram Sensor Based on Phantom Power Supply 基于幻象电源供电的纯电容心音传感器的设计
Acceleration type phonocardiogram microphon 加速型心音图微音器
Objective to study the correlation of cardiac reserve index ( CRI) obtained from phonocardiogram exercise test ( PCGET) and ejection fraction ( EF) measured by left ventricular x-ray contrast examination for quantifying heart function classification. 目的研究心音图运动试验的心脏储备指数(CRI)与X线左心室造影射血分数(EF)量化纽约心功能分级的相关性。
It has been discovered in previous research that the phonocardiogram can be used for cardiac performance assessment since the amplitude of S1 is the standard measure for myocardium contractility force. 研究发现第一心音的幅值是心肌收缩力的标准量度,因此可以用心音图来对心肌收缩能力进行评估。
An Analysis of Precision and Accuracy of the Phonocardiogram Exercise Test 心音图运动试验的精密度和准确度的分析
The systolic time intervals ( STI) in 210 normal subjects ( 110 males& 100 females) were measured on the simultaneously recorded electrocardiogram, carotid pulse tracing and phonocardiogram. 用同步快速记录ECG,PCG和CPT的方法,测定了210名正常人(男110名,女100名)的心脏收缩时间间期(STI),并分析其与心率、性别和年龄的相关。
The three-dimensional phonocardiogram after wavelet analyzing could describe all the information of frequency domain, time domain and amplitude domain perfectly. 经小波变换的三维心音图更为直观详尽地反映出各组心音信号在不同时域、频域与强度范围内细节性的信息。
The features of phonocardiogram were as follows: ( 1) There is a close relationship between Sa and F wave. F-Sa interval is 0.19 second. 心音图有下列特点:(1)心房音(Sa)与房扑波(F)密切相关,F&Sa间期为0.19秒;
Autoregressive Spectrum Analysis of Phonocardiogram 心音信号的自回归谱分析
The system of automatic analysis of the three dimensional phonocardiogram 三维心音自动分析系统
The synchronous recordings of carotid artery pulse wave and echocardiogram obtained in 34 normal persons and 8 cardiac patients using a locally made CXD-Type ⅰ echocardiograph with 4 parameters ( electrocardiogram, phonocardiogram, carotid artery pulse wave or apexcardiogram and echocardiogram). 本文对34名正常人及8例心脏病患者作了颈动脉搏动波与超声心动图的同步记录分析。
Atrial systolic time intervals ( ASTI) measured by cardiac impedance plethysmogram, phonocardiogram and electrocardiogram were studied in control and hypertensive subjects. 本文通过心阻抗图,心音图及心电图法对高血压患者的心房收缩时间间期(ASTI)进行了研究。
Phonocardiogram ( PCG) detection system based on Digital Signal Processor ( DSP), not only is applied for heart rate detection, but also can be used as an integrated digital electronic auscultation system. 基于DSP的心音采集系统,不仅能够实现心率检测,同时又可做为一套完整的数字电子听诊系统。
The amplitude of first heart sound is a normal measurement of cardiac contractility, and phonocardiogram ( PCG) can be used in the study of cardiac contractility reserve. 第一心音的幅值是心脏收缩能力的标准度量,心音图(PCG)可以用于心力储备的研究。
The study of three-dimensional phonocardiogram using wavelet transform method 应用小波变换进行心音三维时频分析的研究
Signal processing discriminant analysis of phonocardiogram 心音信号的判别分析
Phonocardiogram exercise test and cardiac function classification 心音图运动试验量化心功能分级的研究
Objective An algorithm located the first sound ( S 1) and the second sound ( S 2) on phonocardiogram ( PCG) was introduced. 目的本文介绍一种在心音图(PCG)中定位第一心音(S1)和第二心音(S2)的算法。
An Analysis of S/ N Ratio of the Phonocardiogram Exercise Test 心音图运动试验中的信噪比分析
Phonocardiogram contains a lot of information on the physiological and pathological cardiac function, so it can improve the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease to effectively diagnose cardiac sounds. 心音图含有大量关于心脏功能的生理病理信息,因此对心音信号的有效诊断,有利于提高心血管疾病的诊治水平。
Therefore, development of phonocardiogram analysis instrument is very important to study the regularity of real-time heart sound and analyze the cardiac contractility variability in various states. 因此研制可用于实时研究人体心音的变化规律,并实时分析病人在各种状态下的心力变异性的心音检测系统具有十分重要的意义。
Objective: Explore the value of phonocardiogram exercise test ( PCGET) to evaluating cardiac contractility. 目的:探讨心音图运动试验(PCGET)评估心肌收缩力及心力储备的价值。
Objective To study the effect of exercise and breathing on heart rate and amplitude of heart sound using digital phonocardiogram. 目的用数字心音图探索运动和呼吸对心率及心音幅值的影响。
Value of phonocardiogram exercise test in evaluating the changing tendency of psychological strength in drug addicts 心音图运动试验对吸毒者心力变化趋势的评估价值
Phonocardiogram exercise testing ( PCGET) is a recently developed method for evaluating cardiac contractility and the cardiac reserve in patients with heart disease or in healthy subjects. 心音图运动试验(PCGET)是新近提出的一项心肌收缩能力以及心血管病人和健康人的心力储备评估方法。
Microcomputer three dimensional phonocardiogram and spectral analysis of heart murmurs 微机三维心音图与杂音谱分析
Heart sound signal contains plenty of heart information; phonocardiogram can reflect the early lesions information of cardiac. Therefore the heart sound detection has the irreplaceable advantages and clinical value, which cannot be replaced by ECG. 心音信号蕴含了大量的心脏信息,心音图能反映心脏的早期病变信息,因此心音检测具有心电检测不可替代的优势和临床价值。
So the phonocardiogram characteristic value extraction algorithm based on Shannon standardized average energy envelope extraction and differential method to realizing extraction of the amplitude and start point position was proposed. 因此本课题还设计了一种基于归一化平均Shannon能量包络提取与差分法实现心音特征值提取算法,主要实现了S1与S2的幅值与起始位置的提取。