A kind of better anti corrosive phosphorated liquid operating at normal temperature was got. 研制出一种常温抗蚀性的新型磷化液。
This paper studies the zinc calcium phosphorated craft. 研究了锌钙系磷化工艺。
Incineration Apparatus for Waste Residues in Organic Chemical Industry with Exemption of Combustion Adjuvants The manufacture technique of a new type of building materials, empty planks by using phosphorated gypsum is proposed in this paper. 免助燃剂型有机化工废渣焚烧装置研制用化工废渣生产新型墙体材料&磷石膏空心条板(砌块)。
The result show, in the friction process the phosphorated vermicular cast iron dry friction temperature field have a variable process from non stable state to stable. 结果表明,含磷蠕墨铸铁的干摩擦温度场在摩擦过程中,有一个由不稳定态向稳定态变化的过程。
Study on feasibility in manufacture of empty planks ( block) from phosphorated gypsum 磷石膏生产石膏空心条板(砌块)可行性分析
The phosphorated fluid not only is applied to ferrous metal and its alloy, but also to surface disposal of aluminum, zinc, copper, nickel, chrome and various materials and alloys. 磷化液不仅应用于黑色金属及其合金上,而且已应用到铝、锌、铜、镍、铬等各种材质和合金上的表面处理。
Determination of Phosphorus Content in Phosphorated Flame Retardant 含磷阻燃剂磷含量的测定
Role of α-amino aryl phosphorated organic depressant in flotation of high nickel matte α&氨基膦酸类有机抑制剂在高冰镍浮选分离中的作用
Study of the Flame Retardant Mechanisms of Phosphorated Flame Retardants in Polyurethane Elastomer 含磷阻燃剂在聚氨酯弹性体中的阻燃机理研究
Influence of P and AIN on Phase Transformation Point of Phosphorated Steel Sheets 含磷钢中磷和氮化铝对相变点的影响
Research on N Type Silver Paste Contented Phosphoric Agent The influence of phosphorated concentration of phosphorated silver paste on the inversion efficiency and contact resistance of solar cell were investigated. 本文通过使用不同磷化物为配制N型掺杂银浆的添加剂,考察了N型掺杂银浆中的含磷浓度对所制电池片的转换效率和接触电阻的影响。
Systhesis and Property of Phosphorated Polymer Water Treatment Agent 含磷聚合物水处理剂的合成和性能
Phosphorated compound can be used as extreme-pressure agent for gear oil, the influence of its chemical structure on properties of gear oil was discussed. 讨论了一些含磷化合物的化学结构对其作为齿轮油极压剂的性能的影响。
Research on using chemical waste dregs ( phosphorated gypsum) to produce a new type of building material& empty planks of Phosphorated gypsum 研制用化工废渣(磷石膏)制作新型墙体材料&磷石膏空心条板
The flame retardant mechanisms of two phosphorated flame retardants P1~# and TCP in isocyanurate-modified polyurethane elastomer ( IMPUE) were studied. By limiting oxygen index ( LOI), TG-DTA, FTIR and X-ray spectrum. 采用极限氧指数、TG-DTA分析、红外分析及元素组成分析,探讨了两种含磷阻燃剂磷酸酯1(P1)和TCP在异氰脲酸酯改性聚氨酯弹性体(IMPUE)中的阻燃机理。
Its special pathological feature is A β deposition outside the nervous cells and amyloid plaque formation, tau protein over phosphorated and neural fibers twist. 其突出病理特征是脑神经细胞外β-淀粉样蛋白(Aβ)沉积与淀粉样斑块形成,tau蛋白过度磷酸化与神经原纤维缠结。
Function Analysis of Phosphorated Fluid in Phosphatizing Disposal of Metal Surface 磷化液在金属表面磷化处理中的作用分析
The phosphorated fluid mainly consists of film forming agent, promoter and additive. 磷化液主要由成膜剂、促进剂及添加剂组成。
Application of Phosphorated Treatment to Railway Bearings 磷化处理在铁路轴承中的应用研究
The Development of an Anti Corrosive Phosphorated Liquid at Normal Temperature 常温抗蚀性磷化液的研制