Coccophores are pelagic microscopic algae and typically thrive in the offshore photic zone of the open sea. 颗石球是深海的微藻,典型地繁生于开阔海滨外的透光带内。
It is generally assumed that the photic zone extends to the depth at which the light intensity is reduced to 1% of the value at the surface. 通常认为光照带伸展到光强度降低为表面值为1%的深度。
Photic sneeze reflex is a medical condition by which people sneeze with sudden exposure to bright light, and possibly also sneeze many times consecutively. 反射光的打喷嚏是医疗条件,其中包括人民打喷嚏突发接触强光,也可能多次连续打喷嚏。
Another theory suggests that tears leaking into the nose through the nasolacrimal duct are a cause of the photic sneeze reflex. 另一个理论认为,把鼻子眼泪通过鼻泪管泄漏是一种光的反射引起喷嚏。
The scores of somatization, obsessive compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, photic anxiety were the highest in the group of education level of elementary school and below. 不同受教育程度人群中躯体化、强迫症状、人际敏感、抑郁、恐惧等因子的差异有统计学意义.且小学及以下受教育程度组的各因子分均高于其他组。
Most marine plants can live only in the photic zone. 海洋植物多半只能生活在透光层里。
Study of sex differences in EEG response to photic driving in normal young adults 正常青年人脑电图光驱动反应性别差异的初步研究
MethodsThe principle of the comparison of the photic intensities that the two photoresistors incept is adopted, and is combined with precise data processing. 方法光敏电阻光强比较与精确数据处理相结合。
Effect of the pumping intensity to detecting photic field in laser phase-conjugate resonator is analysed. 分析了泵浦光强对激光相位共轭谐振腔中探测光场的作用。
It can be concluded that the unifying admittance operator is compatible not only with integrated circuits but also with photic integrated circuits. 结果表明,导纳统一算符的分析方法不仅运用于集成电路,也运用于集成光路。
Results The natural anthocyan pigments were relatively stable under the radiation of incandescent lamp, whereas their photic decomposition rates became faster under the radiation of high-pressured mercury lamp. 结果花青素类天然色素在白炽灯下较为稳定,而在高压汞灯照射下,光降解速度明显加快。
Photic damage of retina 光损伤性视网膜病变4例报告
Objective: To study the sex differences in EEG response to photic driving in normal young adults, and to explore the effects of photic stimulation on visual system. 目的:研究正常青年脑电图光驱动反应的性别差异,探讨光刺激对视觉系统的影响。
Three major factors that were thought to influence their mental health status were somatization, photic anxiety and hostility. 影响军医大学生心理卫生状况的主要因子是:躯体化、恐怖和敌对。
The photic apparatus are becoming important part in the communication system and fiber sensors. 随着光纤的发展,各种光无源器件,也得到了长足的发展,日渐成为光纤通信系统及光纤传感系统中必不可少的重要器件。
The protective effect of coenzyme Q10 on retinal photic injury in rats 辅酶Q10对大鼠视网膜光损伤的防护作用研究
Conclusion The neurons in the inner retina as well as M ü ller cells are involved in the degeneration after photic injury. 结论视网膜内层神经元和Müller细胞参与了光损伤性视网膜变性。
The regression analysis suggests that the most dominant factor is photic intensity; 回归分析表明,影响蒸腾速率最主要的因子为光照强度,其次为气温和空气相对湿度;
Conclusion Coenzyme Q10 plays an important role in preventing the photic injury of retina and optic cell apoptosis. 结论辅酶Q10对光损伤引起的视网膜损害及视细胞凋亡有较好的防护作用。
Role of Dorsal Raphe Nucleus in Wheel-Running Circadian Rhythm and in Photic Induction of c-fos Expression in Brain 中缝背核在踏转轮运动昼夜节律和光诱导脑内c-fos表达中的作用
This paper analyzed residents 'evaluation of indoor sonic and photic environment, and pointed out efficient measurements to improve the indoor sonic environment and photic environment, which can provide reference and guidance for high-rise residential building with atrium design. 本文分析了住户对室内声环境和光环境的评价,提出了改善室内声环境和光环境的有效措施,为今后的中庭住宅设计提供了参考和指导。
Photic injury and optic cell apoptosis had impartible relationship. 视网膜光损伤与视细胞凋亡有着密不可分的联系。
Theodolite is a main photic measure equipment of the shooting range in our country. 经纬仪是我国靶场测量的主要光测设备,占据了外弹道测量试验任务中的主导地位。
The clinical and SPECT studies of photic stimulation therapy in patients with homonymous hemianopia 光刺激治疗同向性偏盲的临床和SPECT研究
Objective To study and compare photic stabilities among extracted black rice, amaranth and grape pigment from natural products. 目的从天然产物中提取黑米、苋菜红、葡萄红这三种花青素类色素,并比较它们的光稳定性。
The photic roof has been widely used in large public building, office building and hotel. 透光屋面已广泛应用于各种大型公共建筑、办公楼和宾馆的中庭,其适用性和安全性日益受到关注,目前我国尚未有相应的工程标准。
Objective To assess the relationship of visual function and behavioral pattern on rats with photic injury. 目的进行可见光照射所致大鼠视网膜光性损伤后的行为测试,探讨动物视功能与行为的关系。
Objective To explore the protective mechanism and effect of coenzyme Q10 on the retinal photic injury in experimental rats. 目的观察辅酶Q10对实验性大鼠视网膜光损伤的防护作用及其机制。