Characterization of a multi-anode photo-multiplier tube for array detectors 用于阵列探测器的多阳极光电倍增管特性研究
In this paper, the photo-multiplier tube single photon detector, avalanche photon diode, vacuum avalanche photon diode and their basic principle of work and characteristics are introduced. Their advantages, disadvantages, and development are also discussed. 本文介绍了光电倍增管单光子探测器、雪崩光电二极管单光子探测器和真空单光子探测器以及它们的基本工作原理和特性,分析了它们各自的优缺点和未来的发展方向。
This paper describes the fundamental problems of different types of photo-multiplier tubes for scintillation techniques, the relation between parameters of the multiplier-photo-tubes and their application. 本文简要叙述了射线的探测技术对光电倍加管的各种要求,以及管子的基本参数与应用的关系,综合了近年来文献中与此有关的光阴极、二次极和结构方面的工作情况。
Noise analysis and modeling of photo-multiplier 光电倍增管的噪声分析和建模