Transscleral cyclophotocoagulation and extra-panretinal photocoagulation in treatment of neovascular glaucoma 睫状体光凝联合超全视网膜光凝术治疗新生血管性青光眼
OBJECTIVE To observe the efficacy of grid pattern photocoagulation combined with traditional Chinese medicine on macular edema with branch retinal vein occlusion. 目的观察中药和黄斑区网格样光凝术对视网膜分支静脉阻塞后黄斑区水肿的治疗效果。
Preventive photocoagulation treatment of retinal degeneration and tear before LASIK LASIK术前视网膜变性及裂孔预防性光凝治疗
Preventive treatment of peripheral retinal degeneration of high myopia by laser photocoagulation 高度近视周边视网膜变性的预防性激光治疗
Clinical Observation of Effect of Argon Laser Photocoagulation on the High Myopia With Peripheral Retinal Degeneration 高度近视患者周边视网膜变性预防性光凝的临床观察
Objective To observe the effect of laser photocoagulation of the peripheral retinal hole sand/ or degeneration in myopic. 目的观察对近视眼的周边视网膜变性和/或裂孔进行预防性光凝的疗效。
Clinical Observation of Laser Photocoagulation for Severe NPDR and Early PDR 激光治疗重度NPDR和早期PDR的临床观察
Curing proliferative diabetic retinopathy by combining total vitrectomy and ultra-wide retinal photocoagulation 全玻璃体切除联合超全视网膜光凝术治疗增生性糖尿病性视网膜病变
Krypton yellow laser photocoagulation for macular edema of diabetic retinopathy 氪黄激光治疗糖尿病性视网膜病变黄斑水肿
Clinical Research in the Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Different Wavelength Krypton Lasers Photocoagulation 多波长氪激光配合中药在局限性孔源性视网膜脱离的应用多波长氪离子激光治疗糖尿病视网膜病变疗效观察
Krypton Red Laser Photocoagulation for Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy 氪红激光凝治疗增殖型糖尿病性视网膜病变
Ahmed glaucoma valve implantation combined with retinal photocoagulation or cryocoagulation for the treatment of neovascular glaucoma Ahmed青光眼阀植入联合视网膜光凝或冷凝治疗新生血管性青光眼
Diabetic Retinopathy at Different Stages with Laser Photocoagulation: a Prognosis Analysis 对不同分期糖尿病视网膜病变激光光凝治疗的预后分析
Clinical observation of laser photocoagulation treatment for ischemic retinal vein obstruction 缺血型视网膜静脉阻塞激光光凝的临床观察
Curative effect of treatment for diabetic macular edema with triamcinolone acetonide using different methods of injection combined with laser photocoagulation 曲安奈德不同给药方式联合光凝对糖尿病性黄斑水肿的疗效观察
In the most common treatment for proliferative retinopathy, called panretinal photocoagulation, the laser beam is focused on all parts of the retina except for the center ( the macula). 在增殖性视网膜病变的治疗中,最常见的是全视网膜光凝治疗,激光束聚焦在除中心(黄斑区)所有的视网膜部分。
Fluorescent exhibition of fundus oculi lesion in several types of retinal degeneration Krypton Red Laser Photocoagulation for Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy 不同类型视网膜变性眼底荧光血管造影表现氪红激光凝治疗增殖型糖尿病性视网膜病变
Conclusion Nursing intervention can effectively improve on compliance among patients with diabetic retinopathy laser photocoagulation. 结论早期行规范的护理干预能有效提高DR光凝治疗病人的依从性。
Preventive treatment of peripheral lattice retinal degeneration by laser photocoagulation 周边部视网膜格子样变性的预防性光凝治疗
Treatment of the Choroidal Melanoma by Ruthenium Applicator and Xenon Arc Photocoagulation 放射性同位素定位器钌贴附器和氙弧光凝治疗脉络膜黑色素瘤
The Mechanism Study of Vitreous Hemorrhage in Patients with Retinal Vein Occlusion after Laser Retinal Photocoagulation 视网膜静脉阻塞激光光凝术后玻璃体积血的机制研究
Topical brimonidine reduces collateral damage caused by laser photocoagulation for choroidal neovascularization 溴莫尼定滴眼液减轻激光光凝治疗脉络膜新生血管引起的眼底间接损伤
The effect of vitrectomy, endolaser photocoagulation and silicone oil injection for acute retinal necrosis syndrome 玻璃体切割眼内光凝硅油充填治疗急性视网膜坏死综合征
Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of argon laser photocoagulation treatment for peripheral retinal breaks. 目的探讨氩激光治疗周边视网膜裂孔的疗效。
AIM: To investigate the therapeutic effects of preventive laser photocoagulation for moderate and high myopia patients with peripheral retinal degeneration or holes before LASIK operation. 目的:观察中高度近视患者LASIK术前对周边视网膜变性和裂孔进行预防性激光光凝的疗效。
Days after photocoagulation, proliferative RPE and M ü ller cells replaced the damaged areas of the retina. 光凝后第7d,增生的色素上皮细胞和Müller细胞修复视网膜破坏区。
PURPOSE: To probe the dosage and effect of lasers in pan retinal photocoagulation. 目的:探讨激光全视网膜光凝术激光量与疗效的关系。
surgical procedure that uses an intense laser beam to destroy diseased retinal tissue or to make a scar that will hold the retina in cases of detached retina