I've got a million photos of my boy. He's very photogenic. 我给儿子拍了好多照片,他非常上镜。
Wind and solar, while photogenic, are currently very expensive ways to tackle climate change. 风能与太阳能虽然经常见诸媒体,但目前在应对气候变化方面仍然属于非常昂贵的解决方案。
But more important than not repeating the same party dress is choosing the ensemble that is the most flattering& and the most photogenic. 不过,比避免穿同一套衣服出席派对更重要的是,选择最好看、最上相的服饰。
You` re really not photogenic. 你真的很不上相。
The good news? Being photogenic is a skill you can totally master. 好消息是,上镜是一项你完全能掌握的技能。
But Meeks spouse and the mother of his 3-year-old son is not amused by the collective swooning over her photogenic husband. 但米克斯的妻子,同时也是他3岁儿子的母亲,对于获得了大量赞美的上相的丈夫却一点儿也高兴不起来。
The media scrutinized the photogenic first lady's fashionable outfits, and criticized her celebrity-like lifestyle. 新闻媒体仔细地审视着这位颇为上镜的第一夫人的时尚装束,并对她张扬的生活方式颇有微词。
I visited as soon as I could and I was surprised to see how photogenic these monkeys were. 我尽快去了,并惊讶的发现拍起照来这些猴子有多合作。
Although not the most photogenic among the psychic, organizers say his telepathic abilities are real. 尽管它不是最上镜的,但组织者说他感应能力是真实的。
Despite being a photographic and photogenic genius, Angel only first graced FB with his presence in January 2012. 虽然他十分上镜,在摄影上具有天分,却是在2012年第一次出现在脸谱网上。
One New Yorker who used his photogenic dog to create a blog dubbed Sammy and the City is now dragging his estranged girlfriend to court claiming she stole the lucrative website. 一位纽约市民用他这只上镜的小狗创建了一个名为Sammy和这座城市的博客。而他正将关系失和的前女友告上法庭,声称其盗用了这个利润颇丰的网站。
The photogenic comet was so bright that it even remained visible though the din of Earthly flashes. 这颗闪亮的彗星实在是太亮了,因此,虽然天空中弥漫著喧嚣的闪光,仍然可以看到它。
When he arrived 40 minutes late for a weekend meeting at the Great Hall of the People, onlookers were trampled by the scrum of television crews following in the wake of the tall photogenic figure. 当他迟到40分钟抵达人民大会堂,出席一次周末召开的会议时,成群的电视记者追在这个颇为上镜的高个子身后。
MS yingluck, a photogenic businesswoman with a shaky electoral platform, is running ahead in polls. 相当上镜但竞选平台不牢的的女商人威禄在民调中领先。
Very photogenic, too, if I may say so. 可以说它也挺上镜的。
Diana, with her photogenic good looks, her sympathetic gestures and an air of vulnerability, seemed much more relaxed than the other royals, and much more accessible. 戴安娜有着一副上镜的姣好容貌,她那能让人产生共鸣的手势和毫不设防的表情,让她看上去远比王室其他成员平易近人。
A: How nice the family photo is! You are so photogenic. Can I have this negative? I want to have it enlarged. 这张全家福照片多好啊!你真上照。你能给我这张底片吗?我要去把它放大。
If someone were to start a blog tomorrow documenting the young life of an extremely photogenic kitten, I can almost guarantee a huge amount of traffic. 如果明天有人建立一个博客,用来纪录一只极其富于照相细胞的小猫的童年生活,我绝对保证你会有巨大的读者群。
She did an early screen test for MGM, and the word came back: "She's not photogenic enough for film." 早期在米高梅电影公司试镜时,得到的反馈是“暂不适合从事电影表演。”
At32, Mr Ferris gracious, photogenic, based in Brooklyn was anointed a writer to watch. 费里斯这位优雅、俊俏、现居住于布鲁克林的年轻人32岁时就已被奉为天才作家。
Photogenic girls were sought for a series of adverts. 一些上镜头的女孩子被找来拍一系列广告。
The appeal of the Duchess of Cambridge, a photogenic pin-up with a well-judged penchant for British designers. 自然是剑桥公爵夫人带有明确喜好的上镜率对英国设计师所产生的吸引力。
A photogenic sunset, village, kitten. 适于拍照的日落、村子、小猫。
Love is photogenic, It needs darkness to develop. 爱情很上相,她需要暗房来培养。
It is also possible the relationships end due to jealous behavior from the woman's less photogenic partner. 当然,关系终结也可能是由于美女的男友或丈夫太过嫉妒。
My younger sister has a photogenic face. 我妹妹有一张很上镜头的脸。
So we strengthen dynamics carry on business the researches of logistics, make at development one mediate photogenic to cooperate, match development level between logistics and social logistics business. 因此我们应该加大力度进行企业物流的研究,使企业物流和社会物流在发展步调和发展水平上相配合、相匹配。
The surface state properties and transport characters of photogenic free charge carriers were probed by the combination of photoacoustic and surface photovoltaic techniques. 结合光声和表面光伏技术对样品表面态性质和光诱导电荷输运特性进行研究。
Since the existence of this structure, a pseudo p-n junction structure consisting of the inversion layer and the Si substrate form within the Si substrate so as to the generation of photogenic charge carrier under the irradiation of laser. 这是由于沉积Fe3O4薄膜后,Si基片内部形成了由反型层和Si基片组成的类似p-n结结构,在激光照射下产生光生载流子。
Aroma, pungent, taste, aftertaste, the degree and temperature factors photogenic powder smoke was significantly negatively correlated, aroma, mixed gas and most of the precipitation factor was a significant negative correlation. 香气质、刺激性、口感、余味、烟气细柔度与温度因子呈极显著的负相关,香气量、杂气量与大部分降水因子呈显著的负相关。