The Glamour of Vision: The Implementation of the Photographical Language in Advertise Designing 视觉的魅力:摄影语言在广告设计中的应用
He puts the pictures of sculpture before and after demolishing together as a piece of photographical works, which is named as Violent Issue of Being Demolished. 他把雕塑被拆前和被拆后的摄影图片并置在一起,作为一件影像作品。
The presentation of composition, lighting, tone and color is the modeling language interactive with photography and drawing, is the technique and skill expressing photographical vision. 而构图、用光、影调和色彩的表现是摄影与绘画相互交融的造型语言,是摄影视觉表达的技术与技巧。
Permanent floodlight to be used in photographical work should also be installed. 还应安装照相用的永久性聚光灯。
And it has an area of400 square meters, proper redistributed, excellent surroundings, favorable for holding all kinds of calligraphy, drawing and photographical exhibitions. 布局合理,环境幽雅,适合举办书法、绘画、摄影等各类文化艺术方面的展览。
The photographical method for simulating plumes from a elevated point source was used to measure the diffusion parameters and plume rise height and a method named fluctuation plume was used to analyze the experimental data. 用烟云照相法对模拟形成的高架点源排放烟流的抬升高度相大气扩散参数作了实验测定,并采用波动烟流法进行数据处理。
Photographical literature is an indispensable art form in contemporary life. 摄影文学是当代现实生活不可缺少的艺术形式。
However, it is always neglected by people that an excellent photographical product should possess distinctive thoughts, profound content and perfect mould-making expression. 但是,优秀的摄影作品应当具有鲜明的思想、深刻的内容和完美的造型,而这些往往容易被人们忽视。
Industrialize Preparation and Process control of Silver Nitrate in Photographical Use 照相用硝酸银的工业制备及过程控制
On the basis of the correlation among the soils, geographical landscape and photographical characteristics, we can, from the aerial photograph, estimate the range of soil salinity, draw the boundary of soil species, and raises the efficency and accuracy of soil mapping. 根据土壤、地理景观和象片影象特征三者的相关性,可以从航片上判读土壤盐分含量范围,能较准确地勾绘出土种的边界,提高了土壤制图的速度和精度。
If these formulas are applied to determine the launch tinu, the satellite will have the maximun photographical latitude or a given area will be photographed in a specific time. 如果应用这些公式去确定发射时间,卫星将有最大的可摄影纬度,或者在规定时间拍摄给定区域。
ARCHITECTURAL CULTURE, AND ARCHITECTURAL CREATION Architectural Photography Forum of China and Photographical competition of Wutai Hiu 是建筑文化,也是建筑创作&中国建筑摄影论坛暨五台山摄影大奖赛侧记
The Beauty of Imitation: Aesthetic Analysis on Photographical Arts 摩真之美:关于摄影艺术的审美分析
Amount of information of rotating mirror high-speed photographical systems 转镜扫描高速摄影系统的信息量
Conclusions Photographical grading plays an important role in postoperative effect evaluation and surgical indication selection. 结论影像学评级对术后疗效的评估及手术指征的选择有重要意义。
Research on the Photographical Art Education 摄影艺术教育研究
Status quo of domestic silver nitrate products quality has been presented, Industrialize preparation and process control of silver nitrate in photographical use have been studied, and the production line of high-purity silver nitrate has been set up. 介绍国内生产的硝酸银产品质量状况,研究照相用硝酸银工业制备及过程控制,建立生产高质量硝酸银的生产线。
Photographical Study of A new Method of Heat Transfer Augmentation with Foreign Gas Jet Impingement in Liquid Pool 液池内异种气体射流强化传热新方法的摄影研究
Results According to photographical grading, 38 cases were rated as grade ⅰ and the excellent and good rate was 38/ 38; 结果治疗后影像学分级达Ⅰ级者38足,优良率为38/38(100%);
The method has been used to determine silver in photographical paper samples with the RSD of 1.1%~ 1.6% and the recovery of 97.7%~ 98.2%. 应用黑白相纸中银的测定,相对标准偏差为1.1%~1.6%,回收率为:97.7%~98.2%。
The Precision Analysis of Highway Aerial Survey and Selection of Aerial Photographical Scale 公路航测的精度分析和航摄比例尺的选择
Stroboscopic photographical apparatus is constituted by a control system and by a stroboscopic source which is with a short time of stroboscopic effect and a large instantaneous power and is suitable for the light sensation of the negative films. 闪光摄影仪由闪光时间短、瞬时功率大,并适宜底片感光的闪光源及其控制系统组成。