Investigation on Copper Ion Exchange Glass Planar Waveguides and Their Photoluminescence Properties 铜离子交换玻璃平面波导及其光致发光特性研究
Photoluminescence from Interface of SiO/ SiO_2 Superlattices SiO/SiO2超晶格结构界面发光的研究
Photoluminescence and magnetic properties of cobalt doped SnO_2 nano-powder 钴掺杂二氧化锡纳米粉的光致发光和磁学性质
Nb Amorphous Metal Oxide Films XPS Analysis and The Mechanism of Photoluminescence Nb金属氧化物非晶态薄膜的XPS分析及光致发光机理
Photoluminescence and Synthesis of Single-crystal AlN Nanowires 单晶AlN纳米线的合成和光致发光特性研究
The photoluminescence ( PL) spectrum indicates that the GaN nanowires have good emission property. 光致发光谱显示制备的氮化稼纳米线有良好的发光特性。
It shows that the collection is superposition of Raman and photoluminescence spectrum. 结果表明,所采集到的是拉曼光谱和光致发光光谱的叠加。
Study on Photoluminescence Spectra of a ( CdSe/ ZnS) Quantum-dot Doped Fiber in Low Doped Concentrations 低浓度掺杂CdSe/ZnS量子点光纤光致荧光光谱特性研究
Effects of Preparation Conditions on the Morphology and Photoluminescence of PbWO_4 Nanorods 反应条件对PbWO4纳米棒形貌和光致发光性能的影响
Influence of fabrication technique on structure and photoluminescence of Zn_ ( 1-x) Mg_xO thin films 制备工艺对Zn(1-x)MgxO薄膜结构及光学性能的影响
Effect of Surfactant on Photoluminescence Properties of ZnS: Cu, Al Nanocrystals Synthesized by Hydrothermal Method 表面活性剂对水热法合成ZnS:Cu,Al纳米晶光致发光特性的影响
Preparation and Photoluminescence Properties of Cr Doped SiC Films Cr掺杂SiC薄膜的制备与光致发光特性
Different Effect of Nanocrystals on the Electroluminescence and Photoluminescence in Er-doped SiO_2 Films 纳米硅微晶对于Er离子掺杂的SiO2薄膜的光致发光和电致发光的不同影响
Study on the photoluminescence of BaTiO_3 ferroelectric film BaTiO3铁电薄膜的光致发光研究
Synthesis and Photoluminescence Properties of Cd~ ( 2+)-doped ZnWO_4 Nanorods Cd~(2+)掺杂ZnWO4纳米棒的合成和光致发光性能研究
Photoluminescence Properties of ZnO Nanowires Exited by Light with Different Wavelengths 不同波长光激发下氧化锌纳米线的发光特性研究
The Effect of Air Pressure on the Growth, Crystallization and Photoluminescence of ZnO Films 溅射气压对ZnO薄膜生长、发光性能和结构的影响
Localized Surface Plasmon Enhanced Photoluminescence of Nano Metal and Fluorescent QDs Composite System 纳米金属和荧光量子点复合体系的局域表面等离子体增强荧光的研究
Photoluminescence Spectra of CdSe/ ZnS-Quantum Dot Doped Fiber with High Doping Concentrations 较高掺杂浓度下CdSe/ZnS量子点光纤光致荧光光谱
In this paper we investigate the effect of Intershell Coupling Effect to nonlinear photoluminescence in multiwalled carbon nanotubes. 摘要研究了耦合效应对多壁纳米碳管非线性光致发光的影响。
Photoluminescence characteristics of Zn_ ( 1-x) Mg_xO films Zn(1-x)MgxO薄膜的光致发光特性研究
Comparing the photoluminescence spectra of different samples, our results agree with the quantum confinement-luminescence center model. 比较不同样品的光致发光谱,实验结果符合量子限制-发光中心模型。
Deep level transient spectroscopy and photoluminescence studies of CdS/ CdTe thin film solar cells CdS/CdTe薄膜太阳电池的深能级瞬态谱和光致发光研究
Study on Aqueous Synthesis and Photoluminescence Property of Sulfides Quantum Dots 硫化物量子点的水相合成与发光性能研究
The optical properties were investigated by UV-vis-NIR spectroscopy and photoluminescence ( PL) spectrum. 其光学性质经过紫外可见光、光致发光光谱测试。
Morphology-Control Synthesis and Photoluminescence Characterization of Cerium Compounds in Phosphoric Acid System 磷酸体系中铈化合物的形貌控制和发光性能
Design and Application of Laser Photoluminescence Analysis System 激光光致发光光谱分析系统的设计及应用
Photoluminescence of as-grown and annealed ZnO films on Ti-buffered Si ( 111) substrates Ti缓冲层及退火处理对Si(111)基片上生长的ZnO薄膜结构和发光特性的影响
Raman and photoluminescence spectra on type ⅱ InAs/ GaSb superlattices InAs/GaSbⅡ型超晶格的拉曼和光致发光光谱
The influences of surface passivation of photoluminescence and electroluminescence properties of porous silicon have been presented. 报道多孔硅的表面钝化对其光致发光和电致发光的影响。