Guidelines for photomask defect classification and size definition GB/T16880-1997光掩模缺陷分类和尺寸定义的准则
This paper describes the maskless wiring formation technology not using photomask and photoresist, development of metal nano particle and nano ink, application of the inkjet method and future theme. 概述了不使用光致掩模和光致抗蚀剂的无掩模布线形成技术,金属纳米粒子和纳米油墨的研究开发,喷墨法的应用和今后的课题。
Shown here is a photomask, which bears the patterns that will be printed onto a wafer. 此图显示的就是光掩膜,上面印有将打印到硅晶片上的图案。
E-beam tools are used in photomask writing, but many believe the technology will never be fast enough for high-volume semiconductor lithography. 因此目前电子束光刻设备主要的用途是用于刻制掩膜板,许多人甚至认为电子束光刻技术的产出量永远也无法满足芯片量产的需求。
The Design and Implementation of Data Storage Management System in Photomask Manufacture 光掩膜生产中数据存储管理系统的设计与实现
The data which is converted from design department to photomask department can use by pattern generator to generate photomask by the process of data format translation and testing. 由设计部门转到制版部门的数据需要经过格式转换、测试等处理过程才能进行图发操作。
The initial experiments on and analysis of sheet resistance, contact, photomask alignment, line width, and correlations between device parameters and dopants have been made. 对薄层电阻、接触、光掩模对准、线条宽度、器件参数与掺杂的相关性等内容进行了初步试验和分析。
The reprinted out photomask plate with the line-width 1.2-3 M-and the photoetching results were satisfied with the requirments. 已复印出最细条宽1.2&3微米的光掩模版,光刻试验结果,符合要求。
In order to improve the system of traditional optical lever, We use laser beam instead of the telescope and use photomask and vernier caliper instead of the scaleplate. 采用激光束来代替望远镜,用光屏、游标卡尺代替标尺,改进传统的光杠杆系统。
Photomask laser repair technologies 光掩模激光修补技术
By optimizing the object program the working time of specific photomask equipment is greatly reduced. 由于进行了目标程序的优化,使得专用制版设备的制版时间大大地缩短了。
The photomask plates for the production of Semiconductor devices were investigated by virtue of applying the new photography method, i. e. PD-photography method. 采用一种新型的照像方法&PD照像法来研制制造半导体器件用的光掩模版。
An electronic design automatic software based on this model is developed to hold the data handling of photomask. 该模型已应用于光刻版数据处理的电子设计自动化软件。
According to the fundamental theory of optical imaging system, this paper studies the image intensity distribution of edge and line in the photomask, the influence of coherent factor and defocus on the threshold of measured edge. 本文根据光学系统成象理论,研究光掩模图形中边缘象和线条象的光强分布、相干参数和离焦对边缘检测阈值的影响。
Novel Photomask Manufacturing Rule Check Method and System 一种新颖的光罩可制造性规则检查方法与系统
A real-time white light information processing System using spatial filtering for IC photomask inspection is described. 本文介绍一种用空间滤波检查集成电路光刻掩模的实时白光信息处理系统。
Pattern automatic placement system for photomask based on FSM model 基于有限状态机模型的光刻版图自动布局系统
A real-time white light information processing system for IC photomask inspection 检查集成电路光刻掩模的实时白光信息处理系统
The main points of making 1 μ m photomask by usual photolithographic process are described. By qualitative theory analysis, we decided the program of experiment. 本文针对用常规制版工艺制作细线条为1μm光刻版的主要难点,通过定性的理论分析,确定出实验方案。
The Fabrication Technique for Next Generation Photomask 下一代光学掩模制造技术
Photomask of lum line-width was fabricated using intermediate mask with high contrast and narrow transition region, and by step-and-repeating at accurate focus and through exact control of developing/ etching time. 研制结果表明,采用反差大、过渡区小的初缩版,在严格聚焦的情况下进行分步精缩制版,精确控制显影和腐蚀时间,就能够制作出1μm条宽的光掩模版。
Spotting IC Photomask Defects by Using White Light Spatial Filter Processor 用白光空间滤波系统检查IC掩模缺陷
Frequency analysis of IC photomask and directional spatial filter IC掩模的频谱分析及方向性空间滤波器
The whole technological flow consists of four key steps including: calculation phase distribution map, designing photomask, dual-step wet etching, and performance measurements. Firstly, based on the Fresnel theory, the phase distribution patterns are calculated by G-S algorithm. 整个流程所包括的四个环节依次为:计算相位图、设计光刻版图、两步湿法腐蚀工艺及性能测试。首先以菲涅尔衍射理论为基础,采用G-S算法计算所需的相位分布。
Biomolecule patterned surface was obtained by using a photomask when irradiating. 通过掩蔽曝光方式制备了图形化固定生物分子的表面。
As semiconductor process node advances, the photomask manufacture which plays an important role in the semiconductor production process is also facing more and more challenges. 随着半导体工艺节点的不断进步,在半导体生产过程中扮演重要角色的光掩膜制作也面临越来越多的挑战。
In the manufacture process of integrated circuit ( IC), lithography occupy a very important step, and the quality of photomask used in lithography affects the yield of LSI. 光刻是大规模集成电路生产流程中十分关键的一环,而光刻中使用的掩模的质量对大规模集成电路的成品率有很大的影响。