This article will discuss the essential method and applications for the photomicrography based on the practice and technology advance. 结合技术进展和工作实践讨论光学显微镜照相的基本方法及其应用。
High Speed Photomicrography and photomacrography are research tools that have wide application potentiality in multi-subjects. 高速显微技术是一种在多学科中有着广泛应用潜力的研究手段。
Validation of Digital Photomicrography in Nikon Metalloscope Nikon金相显微镜数码照相方法确认
Application of high speed photomicrography in research areas of metal cutting and gas-liquid biphase fluid 高速显微摄影在金属切削、气液双相流等研究领域的应用
Photomicrography, a technology required for medical scientists, involves recording and analysis of research results of medical morphological experiments. 显微摄影技术是医学科技工作者需要掌握的一门技术,也是医学形态学科研结果记录和分析的基础工作。
Study on the Illumination Method and Its Result in Photomicrography 显微摄影中照明方法及其效果的探讨
The technical difficulties in high speed photomicrography, especially the illumination problem, are theoretically analyzed. 本文对高速显微摄影的技术难点,主要是照明问题进行了理论剖析。
The digital photomicrography and its application in the experimental teaching 数码显微摄影及其在实验教学中的应用
The advances in the research of cold flow properties of diesel fuel based on the crystallization of wax in diesel fuel were reviewed, including the application of the technology of XRD, DSC, photomicrography, thermodynamics and molecular simulation. 从结晶角度出发对柴油低温性能方面的研究进展进行了综述,包括X射线衍射法、光学显微技术、热力学研究、热分析技术和分子模拟技术等测试技术的应用。
Finally, it summarizes the application of digital photomicrography in the experimental teaching in the college ( or university). 概述了数码显微摄影技术在高校实验教学中的应用。
Method: Bare-handed microtomy and photomicrography; 方法:显微切片观察、显微摄影;
Some Main Points of Photomicrography 显微摄影中的几个要点&柯勒氏(Koehler)照明法、视场光圈和孔径光圈的调整与正确使用
Photomicrography has entered digital era, and partially replaced the traditional darkroom operation. 显微照相也走进了数字化时代,部分取代了传统的暗室操作。
Optimal design of the photomicrography device 显微摄影装置的优化设计
A high speed photomicrography system with CuBr vapor laser as image intensifier 一种激光像亮度增强的显微高速摄影系统
This paper explains the principle of the digital photomicrography technique, shows the composition and development of both digital photomicrography and traditional film photomicrography, and makes an comparison between them. 诠释数码显微摄影技术的原理,数码显微摄影与传统银盐胶片显微摄影的构成、发展及两者之间的区别。
Theoretical analysis of technical difficulties in high speed photomicrography 高速显微摄影技术难点理论剖析
The authors practically applied high speed photomicrography and photomacrography to such research areas as metal cutting, blood rheology, gas-liquid biphase fluid, liquid cavitation formation and high pressure mercury relay. 作者将高速显微摄影技术实际应用于金属切削、血液流变、气液双相流、液体气穴形成、高压玻壳汞继电器触点测量等研究领域,为这些研究领域提供了有价值的实验数据。
Study on the anodic processes of iron by photomicrography and SEM technique 用显微照相和SEM技术研究铁的阳极过程