Experimental researches on photoreduction of azo dyes in the rutile-cathode bioelectrochemical system 微生物电化学体系中金红石可见光还原降解偶氮染料的实验研究
Preparation and Performance on Photoreduction CO_2 of Nano-TiO_2 Co-doped 共掺杂改性纳米TiO2的制备及光催化还原CO2制甲醇研究
Study on Multiphoton Photoreduction for the Fabrication of Metallic Micro/ nano Structures 金属微纳结构制备中多光子光化学还原过程控制研究
Influences of iron and Cerium on photoreduction separation Europium 镧系元素光化学Ⅳ铁和铈对光还原分离铕的影响
Also a free radical mechanism for the photoreduction of paradiazine N, N '-dioxides was suggested. 文中还讨论了对二嗪N,N′-二氧化物的光化学反应的自由基机理。
Both Mn 2+ and Mg 2+ could inhibit photoreduction activity. Mn2+和Mg2+对光还原活性均有抑制作用。
The effects of different initial Cr() concentration and grape sugar concentration and different conditions of reaction on photoreduction rate of Cr() in TiO_2 dispersion have been investigated. 研究了葡萄糖存在下TiO2光催化还原Cr(Ⅵ)过程中葡萄糖浓度、Cr(Ⅵ)初始浓度及不同反应条件对Cr(Ⅵ)光降解速率的影响。
Synthesis and Photoreduction Behavior of Novel Polymer Liquid Crystals Containing Viologen Units 新型含紫精单元的聚合物液晶的合成与光还原行为
The acidic solutions were favorable for photoreduction of Cr(ⅵ). 酸性条件有利于Cr(Ⅵ)的光催化还原。
Photoreduction of methyl viologen by ascorbic acid in liposome system 脂质体体系中甲基紫精与抗坏血酸的光敏氧化还原
The processes of photooxidation and photoreduction, factors, typical reaction procedures, and study means were systematically discussed. The methods to improve the light fastness by designing the structures of dye molecules and using additives were introduced. 对光氧化和光还原过程、影响因素、典型反应步骤、研究手段进行了系统的阐述,同时也对通过染料分子结构设计合成、通过添加剂的使用提高染料光牢度的方法进行了介绍。
Simultaneous Photoreduction of Cr(ⅵ) and Photooxidation of Methyl Orange in Water Induced by Fe(ⅲ)-OH Complex Fe(Ⅲ)-OH配合物同时引发水中Cr(Ⅵ)光还原和甲基橙光氧化
Spectrophotometric determination of micro-iron in the fungus by the photoreduction of Fe(ⅲ)-PAR complex Fe(Ⅲ)-PAR络合物光还原分光光度法测定食用菌中微量铁
ESR study of mv  ̄( 2+) photoreduction on the surface of nanometer-sized CDs 在纳米CdS颗粒表面MV ̄(2+)光还原的ESR研究
Studies on the Photoreduction of Quinones in Supramolecular System of Cyclodextrin 超分子体系中醌类光还原的研究
Methods: The contents of amino acids were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography and SOD was determined by nitroblue tetrazolium photoreduction method. 方法:高效液相色谱仪分析氨基酸,氯化硝基四氮唑蓝(NBT)光化还原法测定SOD的含量。
This paper deals with the rule of photoreduction of system of Fe(ⅱ)(ⅲ)& phen in process of extraction. 本文研究了萃取过程中Fe(Ⅲ)&phen体系光还原规律。
The o_2 and no_2~-photoreduction in chloroplasts of sun and shade leaves of woody plants 木本植物阳生和阴生叶片叶绿体O2和NO2~-光还原作用
Photoreduction of CO 2 in the suspension system of semiconductor catalyst TiO 2 modified by Palladium 载钯TiO2半导体悬浮催化体系中CO2的光还原
Kinetics constants measured can quantitatively express the photoreduction efficiency difference of colloidal semiconductors. 测得的反应动力学常数能够定量地表示胶体半导体光还原效率的差异。
The effects of solution acidity, light intensity, illuminating time and PAR amount on the photoreduction of Fe(ⅲ)-PAR complex were studied. 研究了溶液酸度、光强度、光照时间及显色剂用量对Fe(Ⅲ)-PAR络合物光还原反应的影响。
Photoreduction of nitrogen and proton in aqueous and ethanolic solutions of vcl_2 and vcl_3 VCl2,VCl3络合物溶液的光还原氮和放氢反应
Initial Cr(ⅵ) concentration and solution pH values exhibit rather great effects on photoreduction rate of Cr(ⅵ). 反应体系中的Cr(Ⅵ)初始浓度及初始pH值对TiO2光催化还原Cr(Ⅵ)过程的速率有较大的影响。
Esr/ holographic study on photoreduction of cr ( vi) influenced by electron donors 电子供体影响Cr(VI)光还原速度的ESR/全息法研究
Bovine serum albumin stimulates the DCIP photoreduction activity of lettuce chloroplasts which has been treated with trypsin. 牛血清蛋白对被胰蛋白酶消化过的叶绿体光还原DCIP的活性有恢复作用。
Covering silver on ZnO film can be divided into sputtering silver film and photoreduction of silver particles. 修饰银分为溅射银膜和光还原银粒子两种手段。
The time of photoreduction and sacrificial agent ( methanol) concentration had great influence on the size of doped Pt and the particle size of Pt had directly impact on photocatalytic activity. 光还原时间和电子牺牲剂(甲醇)的浓度对沉积Pt粒了的大小有很大的影响,而Pt粒子的大小对光催化活性又有很大的影响。
At last the other interaction in the reaction system has been simulated theoretically, which indicates that the electron deficient species is helpful to the photoreduction of CO2. 反应体系中还可能存在的其他相互作用也进行了理论模拟研究,在理论上说明了缺电子物种(类似空穴牺牲剂)对CO2的光催化还原有利。
We introduced surfactants into multiphoton induced photoreduction ( MPR) process to inhibit the growth of metal particles, which led to nanometer scale fabrication exceeding the light diffraction limit. 我们通过将表面活性剂引入多光子光还原过程,限制了金属纳米颗粒的还原生长,使多光子加工技术的金属加工分辨率超过传统光学理论衍射极限,实现了纳米尺度的金属加工。