The curve pattern showed that the ratio of dark-respiration to photorespiration increased at first and decreased later on. 暗呼吸及光呼吸速率与叶水势降低的关系,呈现先升高而后下降的曲线类型。
Thus C4 plants lessen photorespiration by carrying out photosynthesis only in cells that are insulated from high levels of CO2. 因此,C4植物仅通过与高水平CO2隔绝的细胞中进行光合作用来降低光呼吸。
Effect of Cerium on the Key Enzymes of Photorespiration in Soybean Seedling Under Supplementary UV-B Radiation Stress Ce(Ⅲ)对增强UV-B辐射胁迫下大豆幼苗光呼吸关键酶活性影响
Photorespiration is an important metabolic process in C3 plants. 光呼吸是C3植物体内重要的代谢过程。
Furthermore, with the deficiency of the chlorophyll content allocation of photosynthetic electron transport to photorespiration was enhanced. 同时随着叶绿素含量降低,光合电子传递中向光呼吸分配的比例增大。
Under the nitrate nutrients, the photorespiration of leaf was obviously higher. 硝态氮明显提高叶片的光呼吸速率。
And that NaH-SO_3 raise photosynthetic rate is related to the decrease activity of catalase and nitrate reductase, for NaHSO_3 argument of inhibitor of photorespiration offer testimony. 研究指出,NaHSO3增强光合速率与减小氧化氢酶、硝酸还原酶活性密切相关,为NaHSO3是光呼吸抑制剂的论点提供佐证。
The regulatory role of photosynthetic energy metabolism on photorespiration in c_3 plants 光合能量代谢对C3植物光呼吸的调节作用
Both net photosynthetic rate ( Pn) and photorespiration rate ( Pr) were declined, but Pr/ Pn ratio was raised. 净光合速率(Pn)和光呼吸速率(Pr)均下降。但Pr/Pn比值升高。
Studies on the rate of photosynthesis and Photorespiration in Wheat 小麦光合速率和光呼吸的研究
Effects of indoleacetic acid on Photosynthesis and Photorespiration in tobacco leaves 吲哚乙酸对烟草叶片光合作用和光呼吸的影响
The activity of glycolate oxidase in mulberry leaves is an important index for selection of varieties with low photorespiration. 桑叶中乙醇酸氧化酶活性是筛选低光呼吸桑品种的重要指标。
Effect of CO_2 enrichment on respiration and photorespiration of peach trees CO2施肥对桃树暗呼吸和光呼吸的影响
Effects of Inorganic Phosphate Nutrition on Photosynthesis and Photorespiration in Tobacco Leaves 不同磷营养水平对烟草叶片光合作用和光呼吸的影响
Effects of light intensity and temperature on the photosynthesis and photorespiration of rice 不同光照强度和温度对水稻光合作用和光呼吸的影响
Physiological Meaning and Control of Plant Photorespiration 试论植物光呼吸的生理意义及其调节控制
Effect of Sodium Chloride on the Photorespiration of Higher Plants 氯化钠对高等植物光呼吸作用的影响
Isolation of Soybean Leaf Cells and Assay of Their Activities of Photosynthesis and Photorespiration 大豆叶细胞的分离及其光合与光呼吸活性的测定
Some of the characteristics of photorespiration in c_4 and c_3 species 植物的光呼吸作用&C3植物和C4植物的生理差别
An approach to a function of photorespiration in c_3 plants 对光呼吸在C3植物中的一种功能的探讨
Photorespiration of C_3 plant and its physiological function C3植物光呼吸及其生理功能
Relationship Between the CO_2 Compensation Point and Photorespiration in Soybean Leaves 大豆叶片CO2补偿点和光呼吸的关系
AC reagent raises photosynthetic rate was related to decrease of nitrate reductase activity and appropriate inhibition of photorespiration. 研究指出:AC药剂增强光合速率与减小硝酸还原酶活性和适当抑制光呼吸有关。
Photoprotective Function of Photorespiration in Grapevine under Drought Stress 干旱胁迫下光呼吸在葡萄光保护中的作用
The co-operation of leaf orientation, photorespiration and thermal dissipation alleviate photoinhibition in young leaves of soybean plants 叶角、光呼吸和热耗散协同作用减轻大豆幼叶光抑制
The Relation Between Photorespiration and Active Oxygen Species Accumulation in Wheat Seedlings 小麦幼苗光呼吸与活性氧累积的关系
Photorespiration reduced from 3.7 μ mol. 光呼吸速率从3.7μmol。
Studies on photorespiration in several different varieties of wheat by biochemical methods 用生化方法研究不同品种小麦的光呼吸
Photoinhibition of Photosynthesis and Protective Effect of Photorespiration in Winter Wheat Leaves under Field Conditions 田间小麦叶片光合作用的光抑制和光呼吸的防御作用
Compared with control, the photorespiration rate of mutant is lower. 2. 与对照相比,淡黄绿叶色突变体的光呼吸速率较低。