Moths are killed by fully utilizing the phototaxis of the moths and the power grid, and the killed moths fall into a pond and are taken as the nutriment for pond life. 本实用新型充分利用蛾虫的趋光性和电网将蛾虫诱杀,诱杀后的蛾虫落入池塘做为池塘生物的养料。
It's concluded that O.hupensis has different phototaxis with different light intensities and colors. 结论钉螺对光强和光色具有不同的趋性反应。
Adult phototaxis and first instar larva eat rotten organic matter. 成虫有趋光性,初孵幼虫喜食已腐烂的有机质。
Also, the utility model utilizes the mosquito phototaxis and the attractive force of the fan after the fan rotates to bring the mosquitoes into the fan blade to kill. 利用蚊虫向光特性和电扇旋转后的吸引力将蚊虫引进扇叶内杀灭。
The adults show phototaxis. 成虫有趋光性。
The adults have the habits hiding in pupa cell and shifting upwards aswell as phototaxis. 成虫羽化后具有在蛹室内潜伏的特性,并具有向光亮、向上转移以及在蛹室内转动的习性。
The adult has phototaxis and can live 4 to 16 days. 成虫有趋光性,寿命4&16天。
Experimental result show that tree model rendered by the improved algorithm can reflect tree's space combination, and reflect the characteristic of phototaxis, geotropism and FCFP. The algorithm improves the realistic of trees. 实验结果表明,采用以上改进算法建立的树木模型,能较好地反映树木的空间特性,并且可以体现出树木的趋光性、屈地性及顶端优势等特征,具有较高的真实感。
Preliminary study on phototaxis of Oriental cicada 蚱蝉趋光性初步研究
The adults had obvious phototaxis. 二化螟成虫具有明显的趋光性。
Study on Phototaxis Action of Moth of Cotton Bollworm 棉铃虫成虫趋光行为研究
Phototaxis Action of Night Activity Insects and Application of Lighting in Pest Control 夜行昆虫趋光特性的研究及在害虫防治中的应用
Advances in research on phototaxis of insects and the mechanism 昆虫趋光性及其机理的研究进展
Lactic test an invasive measurement is most widely applied at present. This kind of wasp is of phototaxis and weak in flying. 有创测定法主要指乳酸法,是目前应用最广泛的一种测定方法。
A better phototaxis in green light and more stability in red light are showed. 蓝、绿光有较好的趋光作用,红光有较好的稳定作用。
The adult has phototaxis. 成虫趋光性强。
The male adult has two pairs of wings, with weak phototaxis. 雌成虫无翅,仅产卵块1个,雄成虫具翅两对,趋光性弱。
Male adult, 2nd-instar and 3rd-instar larvae all had strong negative phototaxis. 雄成虫、2龄、3龄幼虫具有较强的负趋光性,而雌成虫对光照则不敏感。
Many hypotheses on phototaxis were proposed, but two of them, light interference and light orientation, were more acceptable. 关于昆虫趋光性机制的假说较多,其中报道较多的是光干扰假说、光定向行为假说和生物天线假说3种,现在较为普遍接受的是前两者。
Phytochrome is the functional pigment protein photosensitizing light in plants and bacteria. It plays an important role in the formation of photomorphogenesis in plant and phototaxis movement in bacteria. 光敏色素是存在于植物和细菌中的感受光的功能色素蛋白,在植物的光形态发生和细菌的趋光性运动中发挥重要作用。
Phototaxis experiments show that the eye did not cause serious injury such as blindness, and more evidence is needed to ascertain whether quantum dots caused other effects on the eyes. 趋光性实验证明,其对眼部并未造成致盲等较为严重的伤害,而是否造成其它影响,还需要进行进一步的验证。
Adult has no phototaxis, color tendency character. 成虫无明显趋光、趋色性。
Because of their various merits, such as lower development, weak phototaxis, resistance to low temperature and adaptability in green house, they are widely used in pollination for greenhouse crops. 由于熊蜂具有进化程度低、趋光性差、耐低温,且适应温室环境能力强等优势,在温室果菜传粉中得到了广泛应用。
Thus, reveal the internal mechanism of phototaxis is conducive to guide the agricultural practices and improve the light trapping effect of the pest. 因此,揭示昆虫趋光性的内在机制,有利于指导农业实践,提高灯光诱杀害虫的效果。