After IR determination, a linear substituent with a free carboxyl group can be observed for butanedioic chitosan and maleoyl chitosan, nevertheless a circle-like substituent was found for phthaloyl chitosan at high degree of reaction. 通过IR测定,对丁二酰化壳聚糖和顺丁烯二酰化壳聚糖观察到含自由羧基端的线形取代,对邻苯二甲酰化壳聚糖,在反应程度较高时还出现环状取代。
The mothed was easy to operate with precise result, which established a reliable method for control residue solvent of phthaloyl Amlodipine. 本法操作简便、分离效果好、结果准确,是测定氨氯地平中残留有机溶剂的有效方法。
A series of phthaloyl chitosans ( PCS) with different degree of substitution of amic acid were synthesized from completely deacetylated chitosan at room temperature. 室温条件下从完全脱乙酰化壳聚糖出发合成了不同酰胺酸取代度的邻苯二甲酰化壳聚糖,并以此为标样,标样的取代度由X射线光电子能谱(XPS)确定。
The mothed is easy to operate with precise result, which establishes a reliable method for controlling residue solvent of Benzene, Toluene, p-Xylene, m-Xylene and o-Xylene in Phthaloyl Amlodipine. 本法操作简便,结果准确,是测定药物中间体中残留有机溶剂苯、甲苯、对二甲苯、间二甲苯和邻二甲苯的有效方法。
The Synthesis of Poly [ 3 '-methyl-4'-bis ( N, N-oxyethylene) imino-4-nitroazobenzene sebacoyl] and Optical Information Storage on Its Thin Film Synthesis and Antibacterial Activity of Phthaloyl and Sebacoyl Hydroxamic Acids PAZOS的合成及其薄膜的光信息存储研究苯二酰异羟肟酸及癸二酰异羟肟酸的合成和抑菌活性
Determination of Degree of Substitution for Phthaloyl Chitosan by FTIR 用FTIR测定邻苯二甲酰化壳聚糖的取代度