Evaluation of the value in diagnosis on thyroid gland phyma by type B ultrasonic examination B超诊断甲状腺肿块价值的探讨
Experimental Study on Near-infrared Parameters of Blood Oxygen and Microvessel Density of Mammary Gland Phyma 乳腺肿块微血管密度与血氧近红外光参数的实验研究
Significance of CT Findings in the Diagnosis of Parotidean Phyma 60例腮腺肿块CT特征的诊断意义
Objective To detect the reliability of near-infrared parameters of blood oxygen of mammary gland phyma from the microvessel density of tumor. 目的从组织微血管分布密度初探乳腺肿块血氧近红外光参数的可靠性。
Analysis of 16 cases of esophageal cancer with lung phyma 食管癌伴肺部肿块16例分析
It can be used to assess spinal cord and diagnose spinal cord compression injury 、 mediastinal phyma diseases of spinal canal 、 vertebrae and spinal canal variation, and arachnoid adhesion. 用于诊断犬等小动物脊髓的压迫性损伤、椎管内的占位性病变、椎管结构和形态变异或蛛网膜粘连,评估脊髓的位置和结构。
Differential diagnosis on mediastinal lymph node tuberculosis and other mediastinal phyma diseases 纵隔淋巴结结核与其它占位性病变CT鉴别诊断
A 29-year-old man presented with phyma, tubercle and draining sinuses around his left ankle for 9 years after a motorcycle accident. 患者男,29岁。左踝部外伤后出现肿块、结节,并形成窦道,有脓液溢出,逐渐加重9年。
Objective To observe the efficacy of ultraviolet ray on furuncle and phyma. 目的观察紫外线重叠照射法治疗疖肿的疗效。