Let me ask, as your friend-as one having charge, under Providence, of your life and physical well-being-hath all the operation of this disorder been fairly laid open and recounted to me? 作为你的朋友作为受命于天,对你的生命和身体健康负有责任的人,我来问问你,你是否已经把你的全部症状暴露给我并向我详加说明了呢?
Remembering to stop and give each other actual physical affection-not just a requisite peck on the cheek-is the sign of a healthy relationship. 记得停下来和你的另一半亲热不能只在脸上轻轻一吻如果做了,标志着你们的关系健康。
I want to get a physical check-up, too. How much does it cost? 我也想做一次身体检查,要多少钱呢?
The permutations* taking place in the physical world-Henry Miller. 改变发生在物理的世界-亨利米勒。
The cause may be physical-the growth of a tumour or hydatidiform mole in the uterus-or emotional. 产生的原因可能是物理上,或肿瘤的生长,或葡萄胎,或情感上的。
The first member of the support team will be in charge of monitoring your physical condition-acting a medic, so to speak-as well as recording your mission data. 后援小组的第一个成员负责监控你的身体状况算是个医生吧同时记录有关你的任务数据。
Study on loss of surfactants in physical-chemical flow process 物化渗流过程中表面活性剂损失的研究
A computer software for the prediction of formability parameters of sheet metals through a choice of physical-mathematic mode and Bunge's system has been developed. 通过物理数学模型的选择,提出与实际情况相近的简化数模,利用Bunge符号系统和晶体学处理方法,编制了金属板材成型性参数预测软件系统。
Using Image Symmetry to Solve Physical Questions-The Application of Symmetry 形象对称法解物理问题&对称性方法的应用
The influence of 14 kinds of fatliquors on the stability to wet heat and physical-mechanical properties of chrome leather were studied. 研究了14种加脂剂对铬革耐湿热稳定性及物理-机械性能的影响。
Modes of occurrence of uranium in underground water of carbonate-siliceous-pelitic rock type uranium deposits and physical-chemical conditions for its precipitation 碳硅泥岩型铀矿床地下水中铀的存在形式及其沉淀的物理化学条件
Psychology Fatigue and Treatment of Physical Body-Building 体育健身中心理疲劳及其疗法
Establishing inverted "pyramid" style multistage nutrition, which made four ecology structures of producer, consumer, decomposer and physical-chemistry force reasonable, match the way of single chemical prevention and cure to improve the biological benefits. 建立倒金字塔式多级营养级,使室内生产者、消费者、分解者及物理化学力4个生态结构元趋于合理等,与单一化学药品防治方式相匹配,提高养鳖生物效益。
By investigating the students 'three sorts of physical fitness-speed, jumping ability and strength, it was found that the physical fitness level of the college freshmen is generally poor. 通过对大学生的速度、弹跳力和力量三项素质的调查发现,大学新生素质基础普遍较差。
Comparison of Six Physical Self-Measure Methods 六种身体自我测量方法的比较
Determination of Physical-Chemical Indicatrix for Eight Kinds of Soy Sauce on Guiyang Market 贵阳市场上8种酱油理化指标的检验
Determination of Physical-chemical Properties from Campus Refuse 校园垃圾物理化学性质的测定
Experimental Study on Physical-Mechanical Behaviours of Boxian Meteorite 亳县陨石物理力学性质的实验研究
A method to reduce the viscosity of crude oil in oil production using combination of chemical and physical viscosity-reducing means was introduced. 介绍了稠油开采过程中因稠油粘度过高采用的物理与化学相结合的降粘方法。
An investigation about the university student's physical self respect and study self-evaluation from some students who chose the physical dancing and Wushu in order to understand the difference in physical self-respect and study self-evaluation. 为了了解体育舞蹈、武术选项大学生身体自尊、学业自我等方面的差异性,对丽水学院部分体育舞蹈、武术选项的大学生进行了身体自尊、学业自我的调查研究。
Groundwater is a physical-chemical system with complex chemical composition. 地下水是一种化学成分复杂的物理化学体系。
The gravity flow resulting from synsedimentary faults under anoxic environment, combining with physical-chemical conditions of the media control Mn solution, migration and sedimentary enrichment. 缺氧环境、同沉积断裂引起的重力流事件及介质的物理化学条件控制了锰质的溶解、迁移和沉积聚集。
The physical-chemical specifications of the furnace slag and its activators and its working mechanism were also discussed. 文中还探讨了高炉矿渣和激活剂的物理性质、化学性质和水化机理。
With the development of modern medicine, the physical-psychological-society model has changed from the physiological model. 随着现代医学的发展,生物医学模式已转变为生物、心理、社会医学模式,相应地,护患模式也发生了改变。
The result shows: to enhance the quality of present-day physical education talents and cultivate qualified educators are needed to carry out the guideline of school physical education-health first; 结果表明:提高现有体育教育人才的质量和补充高素质体育教育人才是落实学校体育健康第一指导思想的需要;
The residual fat rate of fish fillet is difficult to reach below 10% either by alkaline lipase or by physical-chemical method. 对鲐鱼鱼片无论酶法还是理化法均难以达到10%以下。
The basic characteristics and appreciations of physical-chemical property of the zeolite in muling, Heilongjiang 黑龙江省穆棱沸石矿物化性能的基本特征及评价
The Influences of Skeleton Metal Atoms on Electronic Structures and Physical-Chemistry Properties of Keggin Anions 骨架金属原子对Keggin阴离子电子结构和物化性质的影响
In fact, the physical isola-tion module is an independent system which employs the kernel of Embedded Linux Operation System, including storage medium and switching control. 改进后的物理隔离模块实际是一个独立系统,该系统采用嵌入式Linux操作系统内核,包括存储介质和开关控制两部分。