I committed the physician's cardinal sin: I got involved with my patients. 我犯了从医的大忌:跟病人有了感情纠葛。
In a large city you're almost certain to find a physician with whom you are compatible and feel comfortable. 在大城市,几乎肯定能找到一个和你意气相投、让你觉得舒心的心灵抚慰者。
Broussais was the first physician to use leeches as a cure-all. 布鲁赛是第一个把水蛭当成万灵药的医生。
I'm a practicing physician trying to help people here and now 我是一名此时此刻只想治病救人的执业医师。
The morning after your arrival, you meet with the resident physician for a private consultation. 到达后的第二天早上,你就去见住院医生,进行私人问诊。
Her text is believed to be the oldest surviving manuscript by a female physician. 她的文献据信是现存最古老的、由女性内科医生留下的手稿。
One of the members of the surgical team leaked the story to a fellow physician who, in turn, confided in a reporter. 手术小组的一名成员把这个消息泄露给了在一起工作的一个内科医生,后者又透露给了一位记者。
He is a physician in practice. 他是执业医生。
Do you want to see a physician or a surgeon? 你看内科还是外科?
The physician's knowledge and conscience are dedicated to the fulfilment of this duty. 医生以知识和良知致力于完成该职责。
I intend that he shall be a physician. 我打算使他成为医生。
The physician said smoking is harmful to our health. 内科大夫说,吸烟对我们的健康有害。
My health records are at my family physician's office. 我的健康纪录都在我家庭医师的办公室里。
Conceal not the truth from your physician and lawyer. 对你的医生和律师,切不可隐瞒真相。
I look forward to working toward a solution to this problem when I am a physician. 如果我能成为一个医生,我想我会解决这样的问题了。
James Dillard, the physician in "A Doctor's Dilemma," helps an accident victim despite serious reservations. 《一个医生的两难选择》中的医生JamesDillard,在有重要预约的情况下治疗了一个意外事故受害者。
There she sees her primary care physician ( PCP) and a consulting pharmacist. 在那里,她看到她的初级保健医生(PCP)和咨询药剂师。
The physician made a careful examination for him. 大夫为他作了仔细的检查。
This program provides primary care physicians, physician assistants and nurses with an update on endocrine disorders. 该方案为初级保健医生,助理医师和护士更新内分泌失调。
Hide nothing from your minister, physician, and lawyer. 对你的牧师、医师和律师,切勿有所隐瞒。
She was the senior physician on the case. 她是这个病例中的高级医生。
She attended medical school, graduated as a physician and established a thriving medical practice in California. 她选择了医学院,毕业后成为医生,并在加利福尼亚建立了一个繁荣的诊所。
Amateur. I'm a physician by occupation. 业余。我职业是内科医生。
Meanwhile her mother had accosted the physician. 与此同时,她母亲已和那医生搭话了。
Clerk: Have you had it verified with your physician? 办事员:你跟医生核实了吗?
The physician and patient are willing and competent to meet the demands of the illness. 医生和患者是愿意和有能力去满足合作的需求的。
Do not forget to bring the proof from the physician. 别忘了把医生的证明带来。
That chief physician told us that his research group had found a new kind of virus. 那位主任医师告诉我们,他的研究小组已发现了一种新的病毒。
This meeting is for perfusionists, physician assistants, nurses, and cardiac surgeons. 这次会议是为灌注师,医师助理、护士、和心脏外科医生。
I am confident that I will achieve my goal of becoming a physician. 我是自信我将达到我的成为医师的目标。