By means of investigation on 400m sportsmen, many aspects such as training arrangement, selection of methods and bases of physiology and physiochemistry were discussed. 本文通过对400m训练的运动员进行调查,从他们的训练安排、方法手段的选择及生理、生化依据等方面进行探讨,研究表明,速度与速度耐力的训练对提高400m跑成绩起着至关重要的作用。
3, The standard of identification: it has been identified according to physiochemistry, UV spectrum, molecular weight, Chromatographic Fingerprints and amino acid analysis. 鉴别和检查指标标准:通过理化性质、紫外光谱、分子量指标、指纹图谱、水解氨基酸指标五部分进行确定。
Construction and Management of Wastewater Treatment Facility for Cottony Pulp-papermaking by Flocculation of Physiochemistry 物理化学絮凝法处理棉浆造纸废水设施的建设与运行管理