Physiologists have made various experiments to determine which articles of food are soonest digested by the stomach. 生理学家曾做过各种试验以确定何种食物最易被胃消化。
Now a team of plant physiologists has developed a way to make lettuce darker and redder and therefore healthier using ultraviolet light-emitting diodes ( LEDs). 现在有一个植物生理学家的团队已经研究出一种方法,这种方法就是通过用紫外线发光二极管使莴笋颜色更深更红(因此更健康)。
In modern society, physiologists, psychologists and sociologists have conducted much research on puberty girls from different perspectives and have achieved very good results. 现代社会中,生理学家、心理学家及社会学家从各自不同的角度对少女青春期进行了大量的研究并取得了大量的学术成果。
Physiologists so far have shown that six of them are affected by eating certain foods. 生理学家至今已经发现,其中六种是受着摄入某些食物的影响。
There is a cartoon which actually illustrates a classic experiment by some physiologists who for some reason had a dog's brain opened up and started shocking different parts of the brain. 这里有一个卡通真实的说明了某些心理学家做的古典实验由于某些理由打开了狗的大脑并且开始了大脑不同的部分。
Decades ago, physiologists discovered that during metabolism, oxygen ( O2) can split into single oxygen atoms, known as free radicals. 数十年前,生理学家们发现新陈代谢过程中,氧分子(O2)会裂解成游离的单个氧原子。
A biologist specializing in physiology. World Association of Veterinary Physiologists, Pharmacologists and Biochemists 世界兽医学生理学家、药理学家和生物化学家协
Belmonte is convinced that these humble structures, which have until recently been ignored by physiologists and molecular biologists alike, are poised to take center stage in the field of biology. Belmonte确信直到最近还没有引起生理学家和分子生物学家重视的细小结构,是这一生物学领域的中心事件。
Quite unexpectedly, vertebrate physiologists and microbial biochemists had found a common ground. 出乎意外,脊椎动物生理学家和微生物生化学家找到了共同阵地。
Reserachers also temporarily renounced that hunt for sleep substances in the early days of the20th century because physiologists announced that they had, once more, discovered the mechanism of sleep. 在20世纪早期,研究人员还一度放弃了对睡眠物质的提取,因为生理学家又一次宣称他们已经发现了睡眠的机理。
If you're already practicing yoga, you don't need exercise scientists and physiologists to convince you of the benefits of stretching. 只要练习过瑜伽,你根本不需要那些运动专家和生理学家来让你信服伸展的益处。
Immunoassays are the tests physiologists have traditionally used in such studies. 免疫测定法是生理学家在类似研究中传统使用的方法。
This metaphysical concern affected all disciplines: physiologists discovered that what binds cells to form an organ performing specific, sophisticated functions is a nucleic acid now called DNA. 这个形而上学问题影响所有学科:生理学家发现,将细胞捆绑起来、形成器官以执行特定的复杂功能的,是一种如今被称为dna的核酸。
Physiologists are interested in the workings of the human body. 生理学家对人体的功能感兴趣。
Physiologists have shown that minuscule doses of poison may actually make organisms ( including humans) healthier, a phenomenon called hormesis. 生理学家曾指出,微量的毒物实际上可能会让生物体(包括人类)更加健康,这种现象叫做毒物兴奋效应。
It is generally recognized by physiologists that in the research of Bernard in the digestion of pancreas, glucogenesis in the liver, and the vasomotor mechanism and the mechanism of action of curari and carbon monoxide were all at the lead. 生理学家公认伯尔纳在胰腺的消化功能、肝脏的糖元生成功能、血管运动机制、箭毒和一氧化碳等毒物作用机制的研究方面都处于当时的领先地位。
It is an important mission for nutritional physiologists to study the metabolism, control and application of VE. 研究VE的代谢,促进其应用与调控,是营养生理学者的重要任务之一。
The plant physiologists and the plant breeding workers have cooperated to combine the normal breeding technique with the physiological one, and developed new ways to cultivate super high yielding strains and established the systematic breeding process. 植物生理与植物育种工作者合作,将常规育种与生理育种技术结合起来,为培育超高产品种和建立系统的育种流程开拓了新的途径。
Yield improvement remains the main target for physiologists and breeders. 提高产量潜力一直是水稻育种学家和生理学家的主要目的。