The results showed that the hypocalcemia was the common physiopathologic changes in these experimental cows and goats but not in the test calves. 结果显示除犊牛外低钙血症为试验牛、羊共同出现之病理生理学变化;
Objective To establish a simple, reliable, rapid and efficient oral epithelial cell and fibroblast coculture technique in vitro for the purpose of the premalignant physiopathologic study in clinic. 目的为癌前病变临床病理研究建立一种简便、迅速和有效的口腔黏膜上皮细胞和成纤维细胞复合培养的方法,实现体外模拟组织工程化口腔黏膜的发生发展。
Objective To evaluate the physiopathologic basis of dipyridamole stress echocardiography in detecting coronary stenosis. 目的探讨双嘧达莫负荷超声评价冠状动脉狭窄的病理生理基础。
The author summarized the perioperative nursing of 116 cases of artificial femoral head replacement for transcervical fracture and concluded that the old patients should be psychologically nursed according to their physiopathologic characters before they underwent operation. 股骨颈骨折后继发股骨头缺血坏死的MRI诊断作者总结了116例人工股骨头置换术治疗股骨颈骨折围术期护理。
Cerebral-cardial syndrome was expounded in epidemiology, clinical manifestation, physiopathologic mechanism and therapy. Acupuncture has protective effect of on myocardial injury in stroke. 从急性脑卒中引发心脏损伤的流行病学、临床表现、病生理机制及其治疗等方面,阐述脑心综合征,及对针刺的干预作用进行文献归纳。
These results suggest that fish oil can regulate the functions of the senile and postpone the physiopathologic development of senility. 本文结果提示,鱼油烯康胶囊具有调节中老人机体功能延缓衰老过程的作用。
It is suggested that the comprehensive effect of the degeneration of mitochondria and the quantitative changes of its correlative factors is the physiopathologic base for inducing Spleen deficiency disease, gastric mucosa metaplasia and canceration. 提示线粒体退变及其相关因素量变的综合作用,是引起脾虚证、胃粘膜肠化生和癌变的病理生理学基础。
Conclusion Dynamic contrast-enhanced perfusion MR imaging can reveal the lesion vascular distribution and quantity angiogenesis of tumor and provide valuable physiopathologic information. 结论动态对比增强磁共振灌注成像可以揭示肿瘤内血管分布状况,量化病变部位的血管生成,为临床提供病理生理学信息。
Conclusion The physiopathologic process and some treatment factors may cause secondary cerebral infarction. 结论重型颅脑损伤病人由于脑损伤的病理生理过程继发脑梗死外,在治疗过程中一些治疗因素也可引发脑梗死。
In recent years, along with further research of physiopathologic process of hemorrhagic shock, a series of animal experiments and clinical observations have showed that rapidly large fluid infusion may seriously disturb the compensatory mechanisms to hemorrhage and accelerate the deterioration of internal environment of trauma patients. 近几年来,随着对失血性休克病理生理过程的深入研究,一系列动物实验和临床观察发现快速大量输液可能会严重扰乱机体对失血的代偿机制,并加速机体内环境的恶化。
Physiopathologic Foundation of Ischemia Cerebral Infarction Diagnosed by DWI and MRS DWI和MRS诊断缺血性脑梗死的病理生理学基础
Aim: To investigate the characteristic symptom and physiopathologic changes of pulmonary edema after seawater drowning ( PE SWD) Methods: Sea water was infused into the rabbit's lung to induce PE SWD. 目的:探究海水淹溺肺水肿(PE-SWD)的典型症状及其病理生理变化。方法:通过向兔肺进行海水灌注诱导PE-SWD。
Myocardial infarction ( MI) is one of the common heart diseases which may cause sudden cardiac death. The physiopathologic changes involve coronary artery stenosis, formation of atheromatous plaque, cardiocytes necrosis and heart failure. 心肌梗死(myocardialinfarction,MI)是常见的心脏疾病之一,主要的病理生理过程为冠状动脉狭窄、粥样斑块的形成、心肌细胞的丢失及心脏功能衰竭。
Hypercapnic acidosis has a multitude of effects at the pathologic and physiopathologic characteristic, immunologic function, cellular and molecular level of ALI/ ARDS. 高CO2血症可在多个方面影响ALI/ARDS的病理生理,免疫功能及细胞分子水平的变化。
As the advancement of the mechanism about cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury, new physiopathologic mechanism has been recognized. 随着对急性脑缺血再灌注和缺氧复氧损伤研究的进展,人们对脑梗塞的病理生理机制有了新的认识。
Autophagy/ lysosomal pathway involved in the physiopathologic course of post-TBI. 结论:1.自噬/溶酶体途径参与了TBI后的病理生理过程。
The physiopathologic mechanism is not clear. 但其具体病理生理机制尚不很清楚。