With the physiotherapeutic magnetic sheets installed at all the acupuncture points, the health-care clothes provided by the utility model has very good magnetotherapeutic effect on human body. 本实用新型保健服装由于在各穴位安置有理疗磁片,对人体有很好的磁疗作用。
Jane scrambled up her hair. The medicated physiotherapeutic comB guarantees to Blacken your hair immediately after comBing it just once. 简匆匆梳理了一下头发。药物理疗梳,保您一梳即黑。
The Physiotherapeutic Effect of Far-infrared Irradiation on Peripheral Nerve Injury 远红外线照射对外周神经损伤的治疗作用
Effect of TL-I magnetic field scanning physiotherapeutic device on the activity of SOD and the content of MDA in human serum TL-Ⅰ型磁场扫描式理疗机对人血清SOD活力及MDA含量的影响
A study on the mechanism of the dizziness in cervical spondylopathy and it's diagnosis and physiotherapeutic treatment 颈椎病性眩晕的诊断和物理治疗机理探讨
BACKGROUND: Research on muscular fatigue has extensive value of application in fundamental research about neuromuscular system, handicapped rehabilitation engineering, objective evaluation on physiotherapeutic effect, scientific training of athletes and ergonomics etc. 背景:研究肌肉的疲劳行为,对于神经肌肉系统的基础研究、残疾人的康复工程、理疗效果的客观评价、运动员的科学训练和工效学等都有广泛的应用价值。
According to the physiotherapy principle, this paper develops a computerized bone injury therapeutic instrument with electromagnetic physiotherapeutic technology and intermediate frequency modulation technology. 基于理疗学原理,本文较系统地阐述了使用电磁理疗技术以及电流中频调制技术实现电脑骨创伤治疗仪的方法。
Assessment of Physiotherapeutic Effect on Cervical Spondylosis 颈椎病理疗疗效评定的探讨
Because of the above-mentioned problems, the design of small physiotherapeutic instrument has become the research focus of medical equipment. 由于上述问题,小型理疗仪的设计已经成为医疗器械领域的研究热点。