The low mature oil is characterized by high content of gammacerane, predominance of phytane and low maturity. 低熟油中的生物标志物以高伽玛蜡烷含量、植烷优势、低成熟度为特征。
Most of the low-mature oil samples have high pristane/ phytane ratio, low gammacerane/ C_ ( 30) hopane ratio and high C_ ( 29) sterane content. 大部分低熟油样品具有高Pr/Ph比值,低伽马蜡烷/C30藿烷比值及高C29甾烷含量的特征。
The ability to resist biodegradation for phytane series is higher than that for normal alkane series. 植烷系列抗生物降解能力强于正构烷烃系列,正构烷烃系列原始浓度高的原油其植烷系列受生物降解作用的时间晚于正构烷烃系列原始浓度低的原油。
According to the ratio of pristane/ phytane, the immature source rocks are divided into two ty-pes: source rock of phytane type and source rock of pristane type. 未成熟生油岩按姥植比划分为两型,即植烷优势型生油岩和姥鲛烷优势型生油岩。
A primary study on carbon isotope of n-alkane, pristane and phytane in crude oil 液态正构烷烃系列、姥鲛烷、植烷碳同位素初步研究
Pristane/ phytane ratio in recent marine sediment ( sedimentary layer) and its geochemical significance 近代海洋沉积物(层)中姥鲛烷/植烷比值及其地球化学意义