She is, to borrow a term coined by another cosmopolitan writer, Pico Iyer, just the sort of "global soul" we need to guide us into a China that is transforming and being transformed by the world. 借用另一位世界主义的作家皮柯·艾耶创造的一个词,她就是那种我们需要的“世界人”,引导我们进入一个正在改变世界,也正在被世界改变的中国。
The lightweight container space is rapidly consolidating around a few players: Spring, Pico, HiveMind, and EJB technology. 轻量级容器空间围绕一些参与者,比如Spring、Pico、HiveMind和EJB技术,正迅速发展壮大。
The type command reveals that vi is actually an alias for pico. type命令显示出,vi实际上是pico的别名。
The primary differences between Pico and Spring relate to style. 它与Spring的主要区别之处是在风格上面。
However, Pico is an excellent choice when you don't need all the enterprise services Spring provides. 不过,当您不需要Spring提供的所有企业服务时,Pico绝对是您的首选。
Pico programmers rely first on constructors to do injection. Pico程序员首先依靠构造函数进行注入。
The Pico container is the smallest available. Pico容器是最小的可用容器。
Instead of XML, Pico uses Java code to register beans in the container. Pico不使用XML,而是使用Java代码来注册容器中的bean。
AZORES// Pico is the second-largest island in the Azores, with a unique topography defined by terraced hillside vineyards. 亚速尔群岛(AZORES)//皮科(Pico)是亚速尔群岛第二大岛屿,它拥有独特地形,以梯田状的葡萄园区为主。
The shape is a little odd ( sort of like an upside down raindrop), but it boasts an8 megapixel camera, dual side pico projectors, wireless charging, and an embedded Bluetooth dongle. 形状有点古怪(像倒置的雨点),它自诩拥有800万像素的摄像头,Dual-side微型投影机,无线充电,并内置蓝牙适配器。
Just got a call back from a decal place on pico. 刚接到贴画纸店的电话。
Their names are TICO and pico. 他们叫提可和皮可。
Testing method for abrasion resistance of rubber vulcanized ( pico abrader) 橡胶特性试验方法-抗磨性(皮考磨损机)
New to LG phones would be an optional pico projector to blow up the image on a wall. 另外,该机型还可选配微型投影机,可将手机画面投影在墙上观看。
While the pico projectors allow you to display a virtual keyboard on a tabletop for typing. 微型投影机允许您在桌面上投影一个虚拟键盘来打字。
Assimilation coefficient of PICO was significantly higher than that of NANO and MICRO. PICO组份的同化系数明显高于NANO和MICRO组份。
This paper has put forward to a new data communication method of Bluetooth through the Pico Network by the core controller and given a sequence chart of hardware construction and communication in the method of Bluetooth technology, combined the specific application features of 1-14 wireless data transmission units. 采用蓝牙技术,结合1至14点蓝牙无线数据传输单元的具体应用特点,文章提出了一种新型的蓝牙在微微网间通过主机控制器进行数据交换的方法,给出了硬件的构成及通讯时序图。
Methods of enumeration of pelagic and benthic pico-and nano-sized photosynthetic organisms, bacteria and viruses by flow cytometry were discussed in Chapter two. 第二章重点阐述了应用流式细胞术测定水体及底栖微微型、微型植物、细菌与病毒的方法;
Application of Pico Controller in Bridge Crane Pico控制器在抓斗桥式起重机中的应用
PiCO 2 was measured after gastric infusion 40 ml of air and equilibration of 30 min. 所有病人于注入40ml空气平衡30分钟后,抽取胃内气体测定二氧化碳分压。
Study of the Application of AFM in Membrane Science and Operating Pico Plus AFM in Experiment AFM在膜科学中的应用及PicoPlusAFM实验操作研究
After EEN, PiCO_2 and ( intestinal) cavity pressure were significantly higher, and the D-xylose absorption much lower, in the ( I/ R+ EEN) group compared with the I/ R group and EEN group ( all P < 0.01). 实施EEN后,与单纯I/R组和单纯EEN组相比,I/R+EEN组小肠腔内压力及肠PiCO2均显著升高,而血浆D木糖吸收量显著降低(P均<0.01)。
A data communication method of Bluetooth through the pico network 蓝牙在微微网间的一种数据通讯方法
Pico Satellite Attitude Estimation with Magnetometer and Solar Panel Measurements 三轴磁强计与太阳电池阵组合的皮卫星姿态确定方法
The problems in the start control system of bridge crane are analyzed and the design method to rebuild the system with Pico controller is presented. The design of system, the method to draw up parameters and hardware realization are given. 分析了目前抓斗桥式起重机的起动控制系统中存在的问题,提出了采用Pico控制器进行系统改造的设计方案,给出系统设计、参数设置、硬件实现的具体设计。
The respiration rates of zooplankton of micro-and pico-( containing bacteria) are higher than those of the corresponding sized phytoplankton, while the respiration rate of nano-phytoplankton is higher than that of nano-zooplankton. 小型浮游动物、超微型浮游动物(含细菌)的呼吸率显著高于相应粒级浮游植物呼吸率,微型浮游植物的呼吸率明显高于微型浮游动物呼吸率。
Study on Attitude Determination and Control Technology for Pico Satellite 皮卫星姿态确定与控制技术研究
Design and Realization of Digital Demodulation in Pico-satellite Communication System 皮卫星通信系统中的数字解调模块