Pigmentary innovations evolved to broaden the gamut of possible communication signals. 但这不意味着鸟类的颜色不会最终演变扩大出新的颜色。
Observation of therapeutic effect of Nd: YAG laser on treatment of skin pigmentary lesions Q开关Nd:YAG激光治疗皮肤色素增加性疾病的疗效观察
Her 9 years old daughter has bilateral blue irides, bilateral total deafness, dystopia canthorum and bilateral fundus pigmentary changes. 第三例为第一例九岁之小女儿,双侧虹彩全蓝,双侧全聋,内眥移位和双侧眼底色素变化。
Purpose: To observe the function of electric acupuncture ( pigmentary degeneration of retina) and the difference between electric acupuncture and acupuncture on treating RP, and set up efficient clinic method for treating it. 目的:观察电针对视网膜色素变性的作用,并判定电针与单纯针刺在治疗该病上是否存在差异性,从而为临床建立治疗该病的有效方法。
Asymmetric pigmentary glaucoma in a patient with Marfan's syndrome 1例马方综合征患者眼部表现的不对称色素性青光眼
Objective To study the therapeutic effects of multiple wavelength and multiple function laser system in treatment of cutaneous pigmentary lesions. 目的观察并比较多波长多功能激光系统治疗不同皮肤色素损害的临床疗效。
Objective: To determine and analyze the blood viscosity of patient suffered from pigmentary degeneration of retina ( PDR) and their interrelationship. 目的:测定分析视网膜色素变性患者的血液粘度及其相互关系。
Results Coexistent Parkinsonism was present in 3 cases of AD. Pathological examination revealed nonspecific degeneration, including pigmented neuronal loss and gliosis in substantia nigra and locus ceruleus in 2 cases and spheroid pigmentary degeneration in one case. 结果6例AD中有3例临床合并帕金森综合征,其黑质、蓝斑均有不同性质及程度的损伤,2例系非特征性色素细胞脱失伴胶质细胞增生,1例为球形体色素变性。
Haemodynamic changes and clinic significance in primary pigmentary degeneration of retina 原发性视网膜色素变性的血液流变学改变及临床意义
Objective: To probe a therapy method and scheme about pigmentary lesions ( PL) and vascular lesions ( VL). 目的:探究皮肤色素性疾病和血管性疾病的治疗方法和方案。
Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy and safety of Q-switched Alexandrite laser in the treatment of pigmentary skin diseases ( PSDs). 目的观察Q开关紫翠宝石激光治疗皮肤色素性疾病的临床疗效与不良反应。
Objective: To investigate the effect of traditional Chinese medicine on tyrosinase activity for the purpose of treating pigmentary disorders of thd skin with reliable experimental evidence. 目的:为了研究中药对酪氨酸酶活性影响,用中药治疗色素障碍性皮肤病提供实验依据。
Treatment of facial pigmentary lesions of 128 cases with intense pulsed light 强脉冲光治疗面部色素性病变128例
Conclusion: The best fading effect can be achieved in the treatment of pigmentary lesions of skin by using Q-switched. Nd: YAG laser, and comparatively good ones for nevus of Ota and freckles. 结论应用Q开关Nd:YAG激光治疗皮肤色素损害文身的褪色效果最好,对太田痣、雀斑的褪色效果较好;
Therapeutic Effect of Heparin Sodium Cream for the Treatment of Pigmentary Purpuric Dermatitis 肝素钠软膏(海普林)治疗色素性紫癜性皮肤病疗效观察
Blood Viscosity of Pigmentary Degeneration of Retina and Their Interrelationship 视网膜色素变性患者的血液粘度及其相互关系
Multiple Wavelength and Multiple Function Laser System in the Treatment of Pigmentary Lesions of Skin 多波长多功能激光系统治疗皮肤色素损害临床分析
Conclusion: Nd ∶ YAG laser is a more effective method for treatment of pigmentary lesions of skin. 结论:Nd∶YAG激光仪治疗皮肤色素性疾病较其它常规方法有更多的优点,具有美容效果。
The application of Vegas laser to pigmentary lesions and vascular lesions 维纳斯激光在皮肤色素性疾病和血管性疾病中的应用
Research Progress of Pathogenesis of Pigmentary Glaucoma 色素性青光眼发病机理的研究进展
The study on the features of dopamine secretion in microencapsulated cells of bovine retinal pigmentary epithelial cells in vitro 藻酸钠-多聚赖氨酸-藻酸钠微囊化牛视网膜色素上皮细胞多巴胺分泌特性的研究
Clinical features include bilateral pigmentary degeneration of the retina, optic atrophy and progressive dementia, and lay in bed after several years with convulsive seizure, opisthotonus, limb rigidity, hyperreflexia, pyramidal sign positive; 主要表现为视网膜色素变性、视神经萎缩、进行性痴呆,数年后完全卧床,伴有抽搐发作,角弓反张、肢体强直、反射亢进,和双侧病理征阳性;
Clinical Observation on Acupuncture Treatment of Primary Pigmentary Degeneration of Retina 针刺治疗原发性视网膜色素变性临床观察
Observe the therapeutic effect in the patients with pigmentary disorders treated with Q-switched ruby laser 国产Q-开关红宝石激光治疗色素性皮肤病疗效观察
Objective: To observe the effect of Nd ∶ YAG laser on treatment of pigmentary lesions of skin. 目的:观察Nd∶YAG激光仪治疗皮肤色素性疾病的疗效。
Observation of the Effect of Nd ∶ YAG Laser on Treating Pigmentary Lesions of Skin Nd∶YAG激光仪对皮肤色素性疾病的治疗
Effect of Q-switch laser blasting technique on pigmentary dermatoses of guinea pigs Q开关激光爆破技术对豚鼠皮肤色素的影响
Background Dyschromatosis symmetrica hereditaria ( DSH), also called reticulate acropigmentation of Dohi, is a rare autosomal dominant pigmentary genodermatosis. 研究背景遗传性对称性色素异常症(Dyschromatosissymmetricahereditaria,DSH),又称Dohi肢端色素沉着,是一种少见的常染色体显性遗传性皮肤病。