She tied a pretty knot at the end of her pigtails. 她在辫子的末梢打了一个花结。
The girl's pigtails swing to and fro as she runs. 小女孩一跑,辫子就来回甩动。
She wears her hair in two pigtails. 她梳着两条小辫儿。
Until I saw her in her wedding dress I still had a vision of her with chubby little cheeks and long, dark-brown pigtails blowing in the wind, perhaps even a permanent smudge of chocolate around her pink lips. 直到看到她身着婚纱的那一刻,浮现在我脑海的还是那个小圆脸蛋,长长的褐色马尾巴在风中摆动的小女孩;也许还有一块巧克力总是粘在她那粉红色的嘴唇上。
The figures themselves comprise his usual cast of 'Bloodlines' characters-a boy in glasses, a girl with pigtails. 雕塑的形象就是他通常在血缘系列里画的人物&比如一名戴眼镜的男生和一名扎小辫的女生。
A cute kid with pigtails; a cute little apartment; cunning kittens; a cunning baby. 拖着辫子的可爱小孩;可爱的小房间;伶俐的小猫;可爱的宝宝。
Right, a seven-year-old with pigtails. 对,一个缠着马尾辫的七岁孩子。
Finishing off his ruffled skirt and matching pompom flats with pigtails, the actor has a ball in drag while shooting Jack and Jill in Calif. 三层花边裙配上带花的平底鞋,再梳上马尾辫,这个演员正酝酿着要射门。这是在电影《杰克和吉尔》在加州的拍摄现场。
They wore their hair braided old-fashioned in long pigtails and they wore old-fashioned frocks and white patent-leather shoes. 她俩的头发是老式打扮,梳成了长辫子,身上穿的是古色古香的罩衣,脚上穿的是漆皮鞋。
I will be, soon as I tie up my pigtails. 等我把辫子扎好后就会好起来的。
A plain plump girl with pigtails. 一个梳着辫子、相貌平常的胖姑娘。
In came a girl, wearing a white skirt with two long pigtails. 来了一个小姑娘,穿着白色裙子,梳着长翘辫子。
She has fair skin, eyes that are a lot bigger than my narrow'slit'eyes and she used to have two pigtails drooping from her shoulder. 她的皮肤白白的,眼睛大大的,扎着两根辫子。不过虽然她长得漂亮,她的成绩并没有因此走下坡路。
She is dashing toward her mother, silky blonde pigtails bouncing at the sides of her head. 她蹦蹦跳跳地跑向妈妈,丝般的金发在她头的两侧一同跳跃。
A little girl in pigtails presented the bouquet. 一个扎着辫子的小姑娘献了花。
After Ms Wang died of cancer in April 2007, Mr Chan claimed that he had a will from Ms Wang – nicknamed Little Sweetie for her trademark pigtails and mini-skirts – that named him as sole heir. 在龚如心于2007年4月因癌症去世后,陈振聪声称,他手上有一份龚如心指定自己为唯一继承人的遗嘱。龚如心标志性的马尾辫与迷你裙为她赢得了小甜甜的昵称。
They wore their hair braided in long pigtails. 他们将头发梳成一条长辫子。
It was good to see you in the office again, pigtails. 很高兴在这办公室再次见到你,大辫子。
She was a brown little creature, with skinny legs like a bird and a myriad of pigtails carefully wrapped with twine sticking stiffly out from her head. 那是个棕褐色的小家伙,两条腿细得像鸡脚,头上矗立着无数条用细绳精心缠住的小辫儿。
Mr Chan, who took the stand this week, argues that his relationship with Ms Wang, nicknamed Little Sweetie for her trademark pigtails and miniskirts, was entirely genuine. 陈振聪于本周出庭,称自己与龚如心的关系完全是真诚的。龚如心因其标志性的马尾辫和迷你裙赢得了小甜甜的昵称。
The agitation of cutting pigtails and anti-Qing Dynasty revolution 剪辫风潮与反清革命
Change in property, original welding flaws, and non-uniform distribution of force on the hangers result in local concentration of stress and, combined with long-term failure, will lead to unpredictable random cracking of the pigtails in the primary reformer. 性能变化、原始焊接缺陷和吊架受力不均引起局部应力集中及长期失效的综合作用,会引发一段炉猪尾管的不可预见随机性开裂。
By replacing partially pigtail sections and carrying out strict welding procedure, cracking of the pigtails is eliminated, thus saving a lot of fund. 利用更换猪尾管局部管段并配合严格的焊接工艺,消除了猪尾管的开裂现象,且节约了大量资金。
Designs with one or two optical fiber pigtails, by using metal and ceramics packaging technologies were studied respectively. 分别采用金属和陶瓷封装工艺,研制了单尾纤和双尾纤两种不同的传感器结构。