An Old World thrush ( Turdus pilaris) having gray and reddish-brown plumage. European songbird with a reddish breast and tail; related to Old World robins. 北欧鸫鸟一种东半球大陆的鸫鸟(田鸫),长有灰色和红棕色的羽毛胸部和尾部羽毛略带红色的欧亚大陆歌鸟;与东半球的知更鸟近缘。
The Clinical Study of Treating Keratosis Pilaris with Microdermabrasion Combine with Black Cloth Ointment 微晶磨削联合加味黑布膏治疗毛周角化病的临床研究
Small white or red bumps on the buttocks are most likely keratosis pilaris. 屁股上起的或白或红的小肿块最有可能是毛发角化病。
Conclusion The high prevalence of skin diseases in pupils of Changsha were pityriasis alba, freckles, papular urticaria, acne, eczema, Verrua vulgaris, lichen pilaris, hemangioma. 结论在长沙地区小学生中,皮肤病发病率较高的是单纯糠疹、雀斑、丘疹性荨麻疹、痤疮、湿疹皮炎、扁平疣、毛周角化症、血管瘤。
The rate of pityriasis alba and acne in males was higher than that in females, and the rate of lichen pilaris, ichthyosis and freckles was higher in females. 单纯糠疹和痤疮患病率男性高于女性,而毛周角化、鱼鳞病和雀斑的患病率则以女性为高。
OBJECTIVE: To study retrospectively the effect and ADRs of etretinate in 49 patients of keratinization, including psoriasis 33 cases, pityriasis rubra pilaris 6 cases, ichthyosis 3 cases and lichen planus 7 cases. 目的:回顾性研究了依曲替酯治疗49例角化性疾病(银屑病33例,毛发红糠疹6例,鱼鳞病3例和扁平苔藓7例)的疗效及不良反应等。