Pilate ordered Jesus to be brought forth 彼拉多命令把耶稣带上来。
Therefore when they were gathered together, Pilate said unto them, Whom will ye that I release unto you? 众人聚集的时候,彼拉多就对他们说,你们要我释放那一个给你们。
Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? 彼拉多说,这样,那称为基督的耶稣,我怎吗办他呢。
Then Pilate entered into the judgment hall again, and called Jesus, and said unto him, Art thou the King of the Jews? 彼拉多又进了衙门、叫耶稣来、对他说、你是犹太人的王麽。
Pilate then went out unto them, and said, What accusation bring ye against this man? 彼拉多就出来、到他们那里、说、你们告这人是为甚麽事呢。
Then said Pilate unto him, Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee? 彼拉多就对他说,他们作见证,告你这吗多的事,你没有听见吗。
And Pilate asked him, Art thou the King of the Jews? 彼拉多问他说,你是犹太人的王吗。
Then Pilate said unto them, Why, what evil hath he done? 彼拉多说,为什么呢,他作了什么恶事呢。
Pilate has Jesus whipped and brought before the crowd dressed as a "king". 彼拉多将耶稣鞭打之后,给他穿上“王”的衣服,将带他到公众的面前。
"You are a king, then!" said Pilate. 彼拉多就对他说,这样,你是王么。
Pilate was one of these direct Roman rulers of Judea. 彼拉多是朱迪亚的罗马直接统治者之一。
Crucify Him! Pilate said to them, Shall I crucify your King? 彼拉多对他们说,我可以把你们的王钉十字架么?
Pilate answered, What I have written I have written. 22彼拉多说,我所写的,我已经写上了。
How will you handle Pilate's dilemma? 你会如何处理彼拉多的困境?
Pilate called together the chief priests, the rulers and the people. 彼拉多传齐了祭司长,和官府,并百姓。
But Pilate answered them, saying, Will ye that I release unto you the King of the Jews? 彼拉多说,你们要我释放犹太人的王给你们吗。
Some people had told him about the death of a number of persons through Pilate's actions. 事缘有人告诉他,彼拉多处死了许多人。
And that day Herod and Pilate became friends with one another, for before they had been against one another. 从前希律和彼拉多彼此有仇。在那一天就成了朋友。
In the Gospel of John he just carries on this whole philosophical discussion with Pilate about what is truth. 而在约翰福音中,他只是不停地跟比拉多就什么是真理,进行着哲学上的讨论。
Jn. 18:37 Pilate said therefore to Him, So then You are a king? 约十八37彼拉多就对他说,这样,你不是王么?
Jn. 19:10 Therefore Pilate said to Him, You do not speak to me? 约十九10彼拉多对他说,你不对我说话么?
Then said Pilate unto them, Take ye him, and judge him according to your law. 31彼拉多说:你们自己带他去,按着你们的律法审问他罢。犹太人说:我们没有杀人的权柄。
Did he not offer any reasons for what he did or did he have theological and philosophical discussions with Pilate about his message? 他没有为他的行为给出任何解释,还是他说了一些神学和哲学的观点,和彼拉多进行了一番讨论呢?
Christ faced about five or six trials before Pilate finally gave the order for Him to be crucified. 在彼拉多最终下令将祂钉十架之前,基督面对了五至六次审讯。
The people reporting the incidence were not trying to make a charge against Pontius Pilate. 人们把这件事告诉耶稣并不是要控告本丢彼拉多。
Jn. 18:31 Pilate said then to them, You take Him and judge Him according to your law. 约十八31彼拉多对他们说,你们自己把他带去,按著你们的律法审判他吧。犹太人说,我们杀人是不可的。
Pilate could find no fault in Him and tried to avoid a decision by sending Christ to Herod. 彼拉多找不出祂有任何罪行,为了避免作决定,便将基督送到希律那里;
Q.1 where did the power of Pilate to release or crucify Jesus come from? 问题1.彼拉多或释放或钉死耶稣的权柄从哪里来?
The disciples fled as Jesus was lead away to be trialed by the priests and finally by Pilate. 当耶稣被带到祭司那里,并最终被带到彼拉多面前受审的时候,众门徒都四散逃跑。
Pilate said to him, what is truth? And having said this, he again went out to the Jews and said to them, I find no fault in him. 彼拉多对说,真理是什么?说了这话,又出来到犹太人那里,对他们说,我查不出有什么该定罪的。