Objective To study the effect of Chinese traditional medicine pilose antler growth factor on cell proliferation. 目的研究鹿茸生长素对关节软骨细胞增殖的影响。
Calyx tube outside have pilose; sepals inside and outside glabrous or reversing the top hairy. 萼筒外有长柔毛,萼片内外两面无毛或内面顶端有毛。
Study on the Effects of Sika Pilose Antler Capsules on Mitigation Fatigue 梅花鹿茸胶囊缓解体力疲劳功能研究梅花鹿,梅花鹿,梅花鹿很
Microscopical Identification and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis of Seven Kinds of Pilose Antler Velvet 7种鹿茸茸毛的显微鉴别及系统聚类分析
Capsules oblong, ca. 1.4 cm, pilose. 蒴果长圆形,长约1.4厘米,被长柔毛。
After an umbrella room, stems, flower inflorescence inflorescence handle all have pilose; 复伞房花序,花序梗、花柄都有长柔毛;
Effects of Different Temperature and Time on Activity of SOD in Fresh Pilose 不同温度和时间对鲜鹿茸中SOD活性的影响
Objective To study the effects of Pilose antler polypeptide on metabolism of chondrocytes cultured in vitro. 目的:研究鹿茸多肽对体外培养兔关节软骨细胞代谢的影响。
Objective To investigate the decreasing blood lipids effect of pilose antler capsule ( PAC). 目的研究鹿茸胶囊的调脂作用。
Effects of Pilose Antler and Antler Glue on Osteoporosis of Ovariectomized Rats 鹿茸及鹿角胶对去卵巢大鼠骨质疏松症的影响
Leaves alternate, sessile, terete, fleshy, base expanded, apex obtuse or aristate awned; leaf axil fascicular pilose. 叶互生,无柄,圆柱状,肉质,基部扩大的,先端钝或具芒;叶腋束状具柔毛。
Identification of pilose antler of Sika by thermal analysis and IR 用热分析技术和红外光谱法鉴别花鹿茸的研究
Tissue structure of pilose antler and microstructure of cells in vitro 鹿茸的组织结构及离体细胞的显微结构观察
Study on gangliosides of pilose antler 鹿茸中神经节苷脂的成分研究
Extraction Process of Pilose antler polysaccharides ( PAPS) was optimized by response surface analysis and orthogonal method. 通过响应面分析法与旋转正交回归法对鹿茸多糖的提取工艺进行优化,以期得到最佳工艺。
Speciation Analysis of Copper, Manganese, Iron and Zinc in Pilose Asiabell Root 党参中铜、锰、铁、锌的形态分析
Biochemical Pharmacological Study of Polysaccharide from Pilose Antler Against Liver Injuries 鹿茸多糖抗肝损伤作用的生化药理学研究
The Research of Pilose Antler Polypeptides Promoting Osteoblast Precursor Cells and Chondrocytes Proliferation 鹿茸多肽对骨、软骨细胞增殖的实验研究
Determine of Taurine in Pilose Antler of Sika Deer and Red Deer 梅花鹿茸和马鹿茸中牛磺酸的测定
Influence of the active compounds isolated from pilose antler on syntheses of protein and RNA in mouse liver 鹿茸有效成分对小鼠肝脏RNA和蛋白质合成的影响
Analysis of Several Chemical Compositions of Pilose Antler in Xingkai Lake Sika Deer 兴凯湖梅花鹿鹿茸几种化学成分分析
The group after added in pilose antler growth factor can improve cellular karyokinesis. 加入中药鹿茸生长素各组均有促进软骨细胞有丝分裂作用。
Primary culture and subculture of pilose antler tissues and cells 鹿茸组织和细胞原代培养和继代培养研究
Inhibitory effects of phospholipids of pilose antler ( plpa) on monoamine oxidase activity 鹿茸磷脂对单胺氧化酶的抑制作用
Effects of Pilose Antler Peptide on Apoptosis and Proliferation of Rabbit Articular Chondrocytes in Vitro 鹿茸多肽对体外兔关节软骨细胞凋亡与增殖的影响
Study on the Anti-aging Action of Phosphate of Pilose Antler 鹿茸磷脂抗衰老的初步研究
Research on the Anti-oxidation of the Alcohol Extract of Pilose Antler 鹿茸醇提物抗氧化作用的实验研究
Objective To investigate the effect of pilose antler polypeptides ( PAP) on the proliferation of rabbit bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells ( MSCs) in vitro. 目的探讨鹿茸多肽(PAP)对兔骨髓间质干细胞(MSCs)体外增殖的影响。
Effect of Pilose Antler Polypeptides on Apoptosis of Rabbit Chondrocytes in Vitro 鹿茸多肽对兔软骨细胞体外凋亡的影响