The performance of hydrolysis-acidification-MBR processes treating washing-wastewater was investigated in the pilot-scale experiments. 采用中试规模的酸化水解与膜生物反应器相结合的工艺处理铁路洗涤废水。
Pilot-scale study on the purification of waste acid from benzol refining by salting-out extraction process 盐析-萃取法处理精苯废酸的中试研究
The characteristics of pilot-scale membrane sequencing batch reactor ( MSBR) treating synthetic wastewater were studied. 研究了中试规模序批式膜生物反应器处理生活污水的特性。
The research was the first pilot-scale experiment of low-pressure oxidation ( LPO) of municipal sewage sludge. 研究是国内首次较大规模的城市污泥低压氧化中试试验。
Pilot-scale Test of Biological Contact Oxidation Process for Simulated Ship Sewage Treatment 生物接触氧化法处理船舶生活污水的中试
The performance of a pilot-scale anaerobic baffled reactor ( ABR) treating effluent from a beet sugar industry was investigated. 进行了折流式厌氧反应器(ABR)常温下处理制糖废水的中试研究。
A pilot-scale single phase anaerobic reactor for treatment of high solid organic waste 有机垃圾单级高固体厌氧消化的中试实验
If future tests at the pilot-scale in a power plant prove successful, the material would be used as part of a larger, active absorber system. 为了证明该物质的有效性,科学家们将进一步在发电厂中进行类似实验,这种化合物将被作为一个更大的活性吸收系统的一部分。
Wastewater treatment performance of a pilot-scale airlift oxidation ditch 气升式氧化沟污水处理效果的中试研究
Pilot-scale Study on Luan River Water with Submerged Microfiltration; Pilot-scale Test on Drinking Water Treatment by Immersed Ultrafiltration Hybrid Process 浸入式微滤工艺处理滦河水的中试研究浸没式超滤技术用于饮用水处理的中试研究
Study on pilot-scale a/ o-mbr for municipal wastewater treatment A/O-MBR处理城市污水中试研究
The paper introduced the techniques of pilot-scale production and effects of purification of Meretrix meretrix, Ruditapes philippinarum and Sinonovacula constricta in UV disinfected seawater. 本文介绍用紫外线法消毒的海水对文蛤、花蛤、缢蛏进行净化的中试生产工艺技术及其净化效果。
Pilot-scale Test on Drinking Water Treatment by Immersed Ultrafiltration Hybrid Process 浸没式超滤技术用于饮用水处理的中试研究
In this paper, pilot-scale test of biological contact oxidation process for simulated ship sewage treatment was carried out. 主要利用生物接触氧化工艺对模拟船舶生活污水的处理进行了中试。
A pilot-scale study was conducted on the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket ( UASB) and anaerobic baffled reactor ( ABR) treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater which was difficult to degrade. 对上流式厌氧反应器(UASB)和折流式厌氧反应器(ABR)处理难降解印染废水进行中试研究。
Experimental Research on a Pilot-Scale Synthesized β-SiC Micropowder Using Infinite-Mini-heat Sources Furnace 无限微热源法合成β-SiC微粉的中试试验研究
Pilot-scale research on the production of dodecyl polyglycosides from sweet potato starch 红薯淀粉生产十二烷基糖苷的中试研究
Pilot-Scale Integrative Membrane Bioreactor System for Municipal Wastewater Treatment 中试一体化膜生物反应器系统处理生活污水
The sleeve barrel device is applicable to the high-pressure kettle used in bench-scale experiments and pilot-scale production. 该套桶装置适用于小试实验、中试生产所用到的高压釜。
Abs tract: Ultrafiltration of Huaihe River water source combined with coagulation treatment with pilot-scale experiment was conducted. 本研究采用混凝超滤联用处理工艺对淮河水进行了中试试验。
A pilot-scale reactor for continuously generating sodium hypochlorite ( NaCIO), which is applied to the cleaning-in-place ( CIP) and the sterilizing-in-place ( SIP), is introduced in this paper. 介绍了一种中试规模的用于原位清洗(CIP)或原位灭菌(SIP)的次氯酸钠连续发生器。
Preparation, Characterization and Pilot-scale Application of Porous Inorganic/ polymer Composite in the Sugar Industry 多孔无机/聚合物复合材料的制备,表征及在制糖工业的中试应用
COMMISSIONING TEST SUMMARY OF JINCHENG PAPER-MAKING WASTEWATER TREATMENT Pilot-scale Study on Reconstruction of Municipal Wastewater Plant 某城市污水处理厂改造工程的中试研究
Pilot-scale Study on Two-sludge Denitrifying Phosphorus Removal Process for Treatment of Domestic Sewage 双污泥反硝化除磷工艺处理生活污水的中试研究
This pilot-scale facility will be used for research on different gasification technologies, fuels and fuel blends, and processing of products. 这个中试规模的设备将用来研究不同气化技术、燃料和燃料的混合以及产品的加工过程。
Pilot-Scale Test of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal from Municipal Wastewater with Double Biofilm Process 生活污水脱氮除磷DBP工艺中试研究
Preparation of Magnesium Hydroxide from Magnesium Sulfate by Ammonia Method with a Pilot-scale Apparatus 硫酸镁氨气法制备氢氧化镁的中试研究
Characteristics of Nitrogen Removal from Pre-Treated Domestic Sewage in a Pilot-Scale Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland 去除预处理生活污水的潜流人工湿地中试除氮性能
Pilot-Scale Study on Granular SBR, Oxygen Transfer Mechanism and EPS Analysis of Granular Sludge 颗粒污泥SBR中试研究及颗粒污泥氧传质机理与胞外聚合物分析
Pilot-scale study on treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater by UASB and ABR UASB与ABR工艺处理印染废水中试实验研究