He stole, lied, deceived and pimped his way out of poverty. 他通过偷窃、撒谎、欺诈和拉皮条使自己摆脱了贫困。
I don't look good in gold chains and a pimped suv. 我不在金条和跑车里寻找好处。
You totally pimped my locker. 你把我的柜子布置得焕然一新。
Perhaps it might position itself as a pimped up version of the Orient Express catering to Japan's ever-greying tourism market? 也许它定位于一趟花俏的东方快车(OrientExpress),以迎合老龄化的日本旅游市场?
He pimped me and a couple other girls to guys on the outside. 他给我还有其他些女孩和外面的人拉皮条。