VERB 偷取,偷盗(尤指不贵重的物品) To pinch something, especially something of little value, means to steal it.
Do you remember when I pinched your glasses? 你还记得我偷你眼镜的事儿吗?
...pickpockets who pinched his wallet. 偷走他钱包的扒手
PHRASE 必要时;在紧要关头 If you say that something is possible at a pinch, or in American English if you say that something is possible in a pinch, you mean that it would be possible if it was necessary, but it might not be very comfortable or convenient.
Six people, and more at a pinch, could be seated comfortably at the table. 这张桌子可以很舒服地坐6个人,而且必要时多坐几个也不会挤。
PHRASE 感到手头拮据;感到囊中羞涩 If a person or company is feeling the pinch, they do not have as much money as they used to, and so they cannot buy the things they would like to buy.
Consumers are spending less and traders are feeling the pinch. 消费者支出在减少,商人感觉手头拮据。
PHRASE 身处困境;处境艰难 If you are in a pinch, you are in a difficult situation.
Frieda grinned, pinching him on the butt. 弗里达咧嘴笑了,捏了捏他的屁股。
We both kept pinching ourselves to prove that it wasn't all a dream. 我们两个都一直在掐自己,证明这不是在做梦。
He led his life, pinching and scraping. 他省吃俭用地过日子。
On the second boy's violently pinching one of the same lady's fingers, she fondly observed," how playful William is!" 当她的第二个孩子用力猛捏那位小姐的手指时,她天真地说:“威廉真顽皮!”
But scrolling, zooming, and pinching worked just fine on the X1 with no delay. 但在X1上,不论是滚动、放大还是捏动等动作,表现都非常出色,没有任何延迟。
Drought is sure to push up food prices, pinching consumer spending on other things. 旱灾肯定会推高食品价格,从而挤占消费者其他方面的开支。
I'm pinching myself, Bridget said after talking to Harry. 我在掐自己,布丽姬特和哈里交谈后说道。
You could also try pinching yourself on the arm or the back of the hand. 你还可以掐一下自己的手臂或手背。
The auther worked out a pinching theorem of compact pesudoumbilical submanifolds with parallel mean curvature vector in a locally symmetric conformally flat Riemannian manifolds. 研究局部对称共形平坦黎曼流形中具平行平均曲率向量的紧致伪脐子流形,得到了这类子流形模长平方的一个拼挤定理。
The paper discusses on the hypersurfaces in locally symmetric manifolds with constant scalar curvature and gets a pinching theorem which improves the known results. 研究局部对称空间中具有常数量曲率的紧致超曲面,给出这类超曲面的一个拼挤定理,改进了相关作者的结论。
My sister's always pinching me and it really hurts. 我姐姐老拧我,好痛喔。
Control the floss by pinching it with index fingers and thumbs like this. 通过示指和拇指的牵拉来控制牙线。
These new headsets keep pinching my ear. 耳机压得我耳朵难受。
Some grandmothers can't resist pinching their grandchildren's chubby cheeks. 某些祖母会忍不住捏捏孙子胖胖的脸颊。
He's been pinching money from the cashbox. 他一直在偷钱箱里的钱。
He's been pinching money from the cashbox. Here is the money, keep the change. 他一直在偷钱箱里的钱.这是钱,不用找零钱。
By pinching and scraping for the last two years I've saved enough money to visit my parents in Australia. 这两年我省吃俭用攒足了钱,以便去看望我在澳大利亚的父母。
The lack of a license was pinching me. 没有执照我感到很棘手。
Yeah, well, you can tell him for me that pinching my ass isn't on the menu. 哦,那么你代我转告你的律师,菜单上并没有捏屁股这一项。
She's always been pinching and scraping without ever wasting a single cent. 她一向省吃俭用,从未浪费过一分钱。
Day I caught her in the street pinching her cheeks to make them red. 有一天我瞥见她在街上,试图掐红自己的腮帮子。
Check the wiring harness for pinching or chafing damage. 检查线束是否有挤压或擦破损坏。
And when you are pinching it off a bit you feel not so good. 而当你对它有所阻塞时,你就很感觉不爽。
Somebody keeps going into my desk and pinching my pencils. 有人老是伸手到我书桌里来把我的铅笔捞了去。
In this paper, we study the nonexistence of the stable quasi-harmonic maps and obtain a pinching Theorem. 本文讨论了稳定拟调和映照的不存在性,得到了一个拼挤定理。
Have a look, but no poking or pinching, please! 所以观察时,请不要乱戳或乱捏昆虫!
Miss Mercy replied in the affirmative, pinching her sister's arm at the same time, and giggling excessively. 慈悲小姐回答了一声“是”,同时又在姐姐胳膊上掐了一下,咭咭咯咯地笑个没完没了。
I think you really have to stop her from slapping, pinching and kicking! 我认为你必须要制定孩子的这种行为。
I am for art under the skirts, and the art of pinching cockroaches. 我追求一种艺术,在裙子下面,还有挤压蟑螂。
So if you're serious about deficits, you shouldn't be pinching pennies now; 所以如果你真的关心财政赤字问题,你不应该在现在精打细算;